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    White Lightning – (Chapter: Me Wanting You So Desperately)


                “So Ashley, care to tell me what that is?” Rick inquired running a long slender finger along the cool metal of the time machine. Ashley stared at him disgusted.


                “A new telephone booth.”


                “Really? It doesn’t look like it. Where’s the holo screen? Where’s the number pad?” Rick asked her with that liquid grin plastered onto his face. Acid boiled in Ashley’s stomach and threatened to overflow.


                “Really? I don’t require asking you for your simple minded observations! Don’t you have someone else to kill with your stupidity?” Ashley motioned at the door and Rick ignored her leaning against it laying his head back. His Adam’s apple was bobbing up and down in his throat. It made Ashley want to vomit.


                “You know, I think the council would have a great interest in this little project, since you obviously spent a great deal of time and money on this… contraption,” his voice snaked out of his mouth and the obvious threat sent shivers down Ashley’s spine. Not only was he threatening her but if the council found out she would never be able to see Spencer again.


                “What do you want Huggard?” Ashley asked him roughly. He pretended to contemplate her question for a moment, pissing her off because she knew he already wanted something specific.


                “I want you to stop filling Kyla’s head with all this nonsense about breaking up with me.”


                “Kyla’s kead is filled with nonsense anyway,” Ashley argued. He chuckled and threw a skinny arm around her shoulders which she immediately shrugged off.


                “I’m going to marry her Ashley, just to make your life hell, if you want to keep this little a project a secret, I suggest you encourage her,” his breath was hot on the side of her face and she pulled back repulsed by his nature.


                “Don’t you need to ask her first? I hardly think she’s going to marry someone who has a thing for midget alien porn… that’s right I hacked your computer what a freak!” Ashley said through gritted teeth. She reveled in the shocked look on Rick’s face.


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