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    White Lightning – (Chapter: Me Wanting You So Desperately)



                “That…that’s not mine!” He protested but it was to no avail. Ashley had already seen it all.


                “That wasn’t a picture of you with your tongue in that….?”


                “NO! That was my brother?” Rick countered weakly his eyes shifting to the door that Kyla had left out of. Ashley grinned walking toward him and dragging her nail down his chest.


                “Oh my mistake, I have copies would you like to take a look and make sure?” Rick lost his cool then. His pale face flushed bright red and she moved away from him.


                “Give those to me right now or I’ll… I’ll go to the council!”


                “Really Rick, couldn’t you have just gone for a normal sized martian and about the council. Don’t they normally frown on men who dabble in the erotic rings?” Ashley asked sweetly but she wasn’t prepared for what Rick said next.


                “Isn’t being a homosexual prohibited too?” Ashley’s heart stopped in her chest.


                “I am not gay.”


                “I’m really quite surprised with your carelessness,” Rick began pulling a tape recorder from his pocket. Ashley heard her own voice fill the room and she heard the description of the kiss. “You should lock your doors. I just love technology. Don’t you?”


                “Well you’re a little smarter than I originally thought.” Ashley said with a sinking feeling. Rick smiled widely and made a move toward her. She jumped back and put her hand on the doorknob ready to bolt if necessary.


                “I’m a lot smarter than yo- HEY!”


                “At least I know Kyla will never marry you. I’ll see to that you never see her again. You won’t be able to find her,” Ashley tried to sound menacing but her voice was wavering. Rick started to laugh from deep within. It should have made him sound easy going but all Ashley heard was the evil within the man. She had been right. He was definitely not good enough for Kyla.


                “And how wouldn’t I be able to find her? She can’t go anywhere.” Rick said confidently.


                “Why is that dick, oops I mean Rick, my mistake.”


                “Didn’t you hear? The entire population is under a lockdown. Something about time.”


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