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    Why Do You Close Your Eyes Everytime We Make Love? – (Chapter: Love=Lust Pt 1)

    June:"No! Geez I can hear them through the freekin wall! How do I not hear them?!"

    Ashley:"Hahah..June  gotta go. Thanks for the shirt I’ll give it back after I’m done with it."

    June:"Sounds like your gonna use it to masturbate or something."

    Ashley:"Hahah. Good bye slave."



    Ashley got in her car and drove to Madison’s house.

    Madison:"Why do you want my chains?"

    Ashley:"Jus let me have them Madison. I mean let me borrow them I need them to pshyce some one out."

    Madison:"Are you joining a gang? Which is it bloods or-"

    Ashley:"No I’m not joining a gang."

    Madison:"you sure? Cause if you are then I want nothing to do with you…they might find out about-"

    Ashley:"Madison! This has nothing to do with a clan it’s about Spencer."

    Madison:"Ooooh. Spencer? Well why didn’t you say so?"

    She looked through one of her drawers and pulled out five diamond chains.  She handed them to Ashley.

    Ashley:"God Madison…you still have these?"

    Madison:"Don’t get all winy on me…Yeah I’ve kept them forever. That trip will always be in my mind."

    Ashley had a brief flashback to the 5th grade. It was on a trip to a ranch farm and the bus stopped. Madison and Ashley were the first ones to buy the 5 dollar chains that hung in the gas station window. One said ghetto pride and the others had peoples names on them. Madison bought one for Ashley with her name diamond studded into it. End Of Flashback

    Ashley:"Awwwww. Madison I really can’t believe we bought these now. Ghettoe Pride? What the Hell were we thinking?"

    They laughed real hard.

    Madison:"It was your idea!"

    Ashley:"You bought it!"

    Madison:"Okay,seriously. Why do you want chains?"

    Ashley:"Decoration. Now all I need is a low hat and some baggy black jeans."

    Ashley headed out the door. Before she left she turned to Madison.

    Ashley:"Tell me why you kept them."

    Madison:"…Well Davies. You were always my best friend…to tell you the truth,when I saw how miserable you were without that Carlin kid,I couldn’t stand it. Especially not after seeing the chains."

    Ashley smiled. She said in a little kids voice.

    Ashley:"…..Your my best friend Cooper!"

    Madison:"lol and your mine too Tod!"



     At Chelsea and Clay’s Apartment…

    Ashley sat on Chelsea’s bed and cradled Jaden in her arms as Clay looked around his dresser for a pair of black jeans. Chelsea came into the room with some popcicles.

    Ashley:"So how is life for you two?"

    Chelsea:"Very good until the night when the walls ooze green slime."

    Ashley:"Don’t you hate when that happens?"

    Clay:"I heard about Spencer. I’m sorry. I really didn’t know she was in deep like that. Chelsea and I have been sending some money but I guess it wasn’t enough."

    Ashley:"Don’t blame yourself. It’s really not your fault….Now your parents going to jail…that’s definetly their fault."

    Chelsea:"I still can’t believe they’d do that."

    Clay pulled out a pair of baggy black jeans from his drawer. He picked a black hat up off the floor and handed it to her.

    Clay:"May I ask?"


    Chelsea:"Are you going to shoot someone? Cause if you are I want to know so I can say you weren’t anywhere near me."

    Ashley:"What?! You wouldn’t cover for me? What kind of friend are you?!"

    She put Jaden down and threw a pillow at Chelsea.


    Later That Night….

    Ashley put on her new shoes,and the clothes she collected from her friends. She put a toothpick in her mouth,brought her hat down so her eyes had to be low to see,and grabbed her keys.

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