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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: 1-Camp Westin)

    "Shit, I think I hurt his feelings."  She decided to look through the coveted packet.  "What the hell, we have a schedule.  Horseback riding?  I have never seen a real horse in my life."  She storms out of the cabin to go and see Ted.  There is a flash in the corner of her eye and Ashley turns to see what it was.

    There walking down into the woods was a beautiful girl, granted she could only see her back and her long blond hair.  Ashley turns to follow the girl thinking She is so gorgeous, but why am I following her?  What is drawing me to her?  She almost catches up to the girl, but then the girl disappears into a building.  When Ashley walks closer she figures out what building it is.  Gross, horse shit.  Why is she going into the barn?  Well I guess I will follow her in.  Ashley gets to the barn door and walks in only to be stopped by a tall dark man with arms the size of tree trunks.

    "Can I help you little lady?"  He asks.

    "Uhm, yeah I was just wanting to talk to the girl that just came in here."

    "There is no girl in here."  He was warm when I first came in now he is completely opposite.

    "But I just saw her.  I just want to talk to her."  She pleads.

    "I am sorry, but campers are not allowed in here off the scheduled hours."  I see a flash of blond behind him, but he moves over so I cannot see anymore.

    "I just saw her, just let me talk to her."  He moves his body covering the whole door.

    "Just leave."  Ashley is about to protest some more.

    "Ashley what are you doing, we need to get to the orientation."  Ashley turns to see Aiden and some more of my friends waiting for her.

    "Better get going, you don’t want to be late."  She opens her mouth then runs to catch up with her friends.

    Leon hears her move up behind him.

    "Guess I need to stay inside more.  I didn’t think anyone saw me."  He hears her soft voice and smiles sadly at what she says.

    "I am not your mother little one, you  know how I feel about the whole thing.  You should enjoy life and stop living in the shadows."  Leon turns to face her.

    "That is where I should be."  Leon brushes the hair off her face some.

    "Because of this?  You are beautiful, no matter what others say."  She flinches back and he tries to hide the hurt.

    "Thank you for keeping her away.  I will be in the back with Athena."  She rushes off and he wants to say that horses will not replace real human friends but he stops himself.  He is lucky that she lets him in as much as she does.  The only reason she does though is because he is her outlet to horses. 

    "I will keep protecting you, even if it is from yourself."  He whispers and turns to curiously watch the dark headed girl glance back when she makes it to the top of the hill. 



    Sorry for the delay in writing but I am still feeling fluish, which I don’t even think is a real word.  Tell me what you think of the new story.  Thanks for reading.

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