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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: 2- I Need To See Her)

    "Back up, why won’t she be in here?"  Ashley asks going back to her original thought.  Well it seems to be her only thought as of late.

    "She doesn’t come in when the campers are allowed in the barn.  That is one thing you need to realize about her, she doesn’t like other people to see her.  She is like a recluse."  Leon says.

    "How am I going to talk to her then if she doesn’t want to talk to me?  I just have the need to see her."  Ashley begs, which is something that she has never done before.  If she affects me this much now, how will I react when I see her? 

    "Guess you will just have to try hard and be persistent."  Leon says as he starts to walk away.  Ashley stares at his back trying to think of how to start, "By the way if she doesn’t come by when others can see her when is she here?  Oh and her name is Spencer."  He walks out of the barn as a smile spreads across Ashley’s face.

    Ashley was so happy about the chance of meeting Spencer that she actually tried to ride the four legged beast as she now calls it.  As you can guess she did not do as well, but a bruised ass will not stop her.

    She heads off to her cabin as the day roles to an end.  She starts to change her clothes thinking hard about what impression she wants to make.  Not slutty, so a pair of just below the waist jeans and a spagetti strap shirt.  She grabs a light jacket as she goes out the door.  She heads to the barn avoiding the councilors since campers aren’t supposed to be out here this late.  She doesn’t see the shadow following her.  She walks into the barn quietly and starts to look for Spencer.  She finds her in the last stall brushing down one of the horses.

    "What his name?"  Ashley asks and after she said it she wanted to slap herself for the stupid question.  She sees the girl jump and push herself further into the shadows.  Ashley waits for a reply, but doesn’t get one.  She sees Spencer looking around trying to find another exit.

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    1. I am so intrigued by this story…like i’m wondering if Spencer has something wrong with her face. And i REALLY want to know what happened to her! This story is already becoming an obession! PMS!

    2. I am so intrigued by this story…like i’m wondering if Spencer has something wrong with her face. And i REALLY want to know what happened to her! This story is already becoming an obession! PMS!

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