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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: 2- I Need To See Her)

    "I am not going to hurt you, I just wanted to talk."  Ashley says hoping to calm the girl down.  She starts to move into the stall more only to have the horse rear up.  Ashley jumps back.

    "Athena doesn’t like visitors."  Ashley turns towards the whisper and realizes it came from Spencer.  She didn’t think it did at first because it was raspy and not what she imagined her voice to be like.

    "What about Spencer, does she like visitors?"  Ashley asks slowly stepping closer.

    "How did you…no she doesn’t, you shouldn’t be in here after hours."  The moon decides to shine in through the open door and Ashley gets a better view of Spencer, which is not much.  Spencer has her hair covering most of her face and it flows down to midchest.  She does get to see one stunning blue eye before Spencer moves behind the horse.

    "What about you?  Why are you here?"  Ashley asks moving around trying to get a view of Spencer.

    "Just leave."  Spencer tries to say louder, but her throat just can’t handle the pressure.

    "She’s a freak Ashley, all she does is play with horses.  She doesn’t care about anyone else.  That is why she killed her brother, and made her dad lose his legs.  She is a plague on her family and will infect you too Ash.  Let’s get out of here."  Ashley turns and sees Aiden there.  Her mouth drops open as she turns back to where Spencer is trying to see if any of that is true.  What she sees is a shadow mounting the horse and gently brushing past her to get out of the barn.  Not much she can do to stop her or the beast she is riding.

    "Is all that true or are you just trying to be an ass?"  Ashley asks Aiden as he comes closer to her.

    "It’s true, it was in the newspaper.  I also knew her brother Glen before he died.  Her family livea somewhere around here.  Her mom got fired from her job and has to work as a nurse at the local clinic.  Spencer isn’t supposed to leave the house, but I guess her father feles sorry for her."  Ashley stands there shocked not believing what she was hearing.  But then again Aiden has never lied to her.

    "But if she is the reason her dad lost his legs then why would he help her out?"  Ashley asks not getting some of what Aiden said.

    "No matter what he still sees her as daddy’s little girl.  All I see is a murderer, that is all her mother sees to that is why she…"  Aiden trails off.

    "Why she what?"

    "Nothing important.  Just stay away from her."  Aiden says putting his foot down.

    "You have no say in what I do Aiden.  We’re just friends remember?"  Ashley tells him not believing what he is saying.

    "It doesn’t matter, I love you and want to keep you safe.  Now let’s get out of here."  Aiden says and starts to lead her out of the door.  I should just forget about her anyway.  She didn’t want me around, but Aiden does.  Maybe I should just get back with Aiden, I am only here for three months anyway. 

    Leon watches sadly from his house not far from the barn.  He knew it didn’t go well when he saw Spencer take off on the horse.  He wonders what happened, guess he will have to talk to Spencer tomorrow, it she shows up.  Sometimes she disappears for days.  He remembers the first time it happened and how he went to her house to see if she was ok.  Her mom answered and just said she left once and a while and most of the time wished she wouldn’t come back.  That is when he realized he needed to be there for Spencer because no one else was.  He wondered where she went, but she always clamed up when he would ask.  So he just dropped it.  I hope she comes back soon and I hope she doesn’t figure out I am the one who told Ashley her name.  I just need to keep trying.



    Sorry it is so short, but once I get the momentum going they will get longer.  Also Bones is on.  I am not working right now so posts should come more often.  Thanks for reading.

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    1. I am so intrigued by this story…like i’m wondering if Spencer has something wrong with her face. And i REALLY want to know what happened to her! This story is already becoming an obession! PMS!

    2. I am so intrigued by this story…like i’m wondering if Spencer has something wrong with her face. And i REALLY want to know what happened to her! This story is already becoming an obession! PMS!

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