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    You Only Live Once – Why Not Enjoy It – (Chapter: 8 – Sibling Acceptance)


    Kasey sighed, thinking back to her father’s words from earlier that day, “Have fun but take it easy Kasey.  Don’t forget you’re starting your treatments again tomorrow.”  ‘How can I forget?  It was hell last time, I’m sure it’ll be worse this time around.’  She thought, gently gripping Kyla’s hand in her own.  ‘I can beat this though, I have to.’  She erased all thoughts from her mind and focused on the night ahead.


    The teens wasted no time and immediately jumped out onto the dance floor.  Aiden was right, his cousin couldn’t dance and neither could Spencer.  However they tried, they tried with all their might only occasionally stepping on their partners toes while attempting to bust a move.


    “Hey Spence!”  A voice called out to the blonde.  She twirled around trying to figure out where the sounds were coming from.  Ashley shrugged.


    “Spenceerrrr!”  A blonde haired boy wrapped his arms around Spencer and lifted her into the air.


    “Eeeee!  Glen put me down!”  She squealed trying to break free from his grip.


    “Having fun yet?”  He asked setting her back down in front of the brunette.


    “Of course!  Are you?”  She asked slipping her hand into Ashley’s and intertwined their fingers.  Glen glanced down at the subtle gesture and quirked an eyebrow.  Spencer wasn’t sure what his reaction would be but she didn’t want to keep Ashley a secret from him.


    “Most definitely!”  The boy smiled broadly and threw his arms around both girls, holding them in a tight embrace.  Glen loved his baby sister more than anything in this world.  If she was safe and happy with Ashley then there was no problem.


    Spencer squeezed her brother snugly and smiled into his shoulder.  ‘I knew I could count on you Glen.’  She beamed at the thought.  Her big brother accepts her for who she is without having to explain it.


    Ashley was still a little shocked by the sudden hug.  Her first impressions of Glen were dismissed and replaced with adoration and respect.  ‘We’re lucky to have such understanding siblings.  Although it seems that my father’s vibrant love for woman was passed down to both of his children.’  Ashley glanced over at Kyla who was teasing Kasey about her dancing.


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