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    You Only Live Once – Why Not Enjoy It – (Chapter: 8 – Sibling Acceptance)


    “You really do look like Mr Bean when you dance!”  Kyla taunted the brunette.  Kasey laughed and continued jiggling in a failed attempt to groove to Finger Eleven’s Paralyzer.  Ashley nudged Spencer and nodded toward the couple.  Glen followed their gaze and chuckled at the pair.  Another girl had tried to cut in front Kyla and dance with Kasey.  Kyla whipped out the leash and quickly clipped it onto Kasey’s collar.


    “Sorry, this one’s mine.”  Kyla held the leash over her shoulder, dragging a lethargic brunette with her.  “Hey!  What just happened?!”  Kasey whined.


    “You are so whipped Dennison!”  Glen laughed as Kyla unclipped the leash.


    “Bah!  Far from it Zero!”  She retorted, sticking her tongue out in response.


    “Zorro Kasey, Zorro!”  Glen frowned at her trying his best to pout.


    “That’s what I said! Zero!”  She smiled contently at the boy who was dressed like his childhood hero Zorro.


    “Uh huh, anyway…There’s a party tonight at Marty’s after the dance.  You guys should come.”  Glen shrugged off Kasey’s comment and addressed the group.


    “I’m in!  Time to get shit faced!”  Aiden jumped in with Madison clinging to his arm.


    “But your face already looks like sh-“ Spencer quickly placed her hand over Ashley’s mouth before she could finish her sentence and smiled.  “We’ll be there.”  She answered for them.


    “Great!  See you there!”  Glen shifted toward Kasey and made a whipping sound as he backed away.


    “Whatever!”  She yelled after him, laughing.


    The group broke off once again and spread out across the dance floor.  Ashley loved the way Spencer’s shyness was slowly dissipating as she danced.  The blonde was shuffling, hopping, and spinning trying to keep up with the beat.  Her face was beaded with sweat, her nose and cheeks were tinted with a lovely red glow.  The brunette sighed contently.  ‘What did I ever do to deserve to have someone like you in my life Spencer Carlin?’


    They continued prancing along enthusiastically when finally a ballad billowed through the air.  Ashley extended her hand.  “Shall we?”  Spencer smiled and accepted the invitation.


    “Forewarning though, I have two left feet.”  Spencer wrapped her arms around Ashley’s neck, letting them rest softly on her shoulders.  The brunette smiled mimicking the motions around Spencer’s slender waist.  Both girls relaxed into each other’s embrace and swayed to the melody.  Spencer slowly let her eyes close and eased into Ashley who took the lead.


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