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    You Only Live Once – Why Not Enjoy It – (Chapter: 8 – Sibling Acceptance)


    He clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes.  Without warning the first attacker plucked Kasey from the banister and held her in his arms as the boy who she just taunted pounced in front of her.  He balled up his fists and sent two excruciating blows into Kasey’s abdomen.  Madison closed her eyes and muffled a cry.  She quickly stood and ran into the house to find Aiden or Glen.


    The three men laughed as Kasey fell to her knees yet again, clutching her stomach.  She stood wearily and backed into the railing for another round.  Before she knew what had happened one of the men shoved her over the barrier sending her crashing into the concrete below.  Thankfully the drop was only a few feet.


    “That’s it?  That’s all you fucking cockroaches have?”  She rolled onto her side as they jumped over the banister and joined her on the pavement.  ‘Damnit, shut up Kasey!’  She cursed her big mouth.  She lay helplessly on the floor, the cold concrete below embedding tiny pebbles into her bloody cheek.  They each took a turn blasting a shoe into her side with a heavy thud, cracking a couple of ribs in the process.  Kasey coughed in agony.


    “Get the fuck off her!”  Aiden’s familiar voice soothed Kasey.  He and Glen hopped over the banister and pounced on the three men.  It wasn’t long before the threesome were rolling in agony not far from where Kasey lay.  Glen and Aiden hadn’t held back when it came to kicking the living shit out of them.


    The brunette slowly stood, her knees began buckling as she walked toward the front of the house with the help of Aiden and Glen.  Soon they were joined by a frantic looking Spencer, Ashley, Kyla, and Madison.


    “Oh my God!”  “What happened?!”  Was all the teenaged women could ask as Kasey limped alongside Aiden and Glen.  Madison eyed the damage, her heart sinking at the thought that this was all her fault.


    “I’m alright, it’s just a scratch.  You should see what these two did to them though.  Nice work boys.”  She tried to smile but ceased immediately as more blood began to seep down her chin onto her costume.  “Shit.”  She spat a mouthful of blood and saliva onto the street.


    “We’re going to the hospital.  Get in.”  Aiden helped her into the backseat of her truck.  She complied without hesitation as Kyla was glued to her side.


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