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    You Said Forever-Chapter 1 (Saying Good Bye)


         "Come on." She said taking me hand and walking under the pier.

         "What are you doing?" I asked her when I noticed she pulled out a small pocket knife from her jeans.

         "What do you think I’m doing?" She liked doing that, when I asked her a question, she’d find a way to throw one right back at me, it didn’t bother me, I thought her cockyness was cute really. I watched her as she scopped around the poles of the pier till she stopped when she found an empty space.

         "Come here." She spoke softly, peeking her head around the pole to look at me. I smiled and walked to where she was and stood beside her. She started to carve into the wood. My eyes searched the pole as they came across other names of people who have been here and marked their ground, other people seemed to be couples who wrote things like, James & Tara = Love. Brittany & David Are In Love. I Love Tina.

         "How many of these couples do you think are still together?" I asked bringing my attention back to her carving the wood.

         "Um, probably none." She said, I laughed lightly.

         "Come here, I need your help." She said smiling. I moved closer to her and read what she had already written.

         "Just carve your name, right there." She pointed to the spot and handed me the knife. I felt her breath on the back of my neck as she spoke. I brought my hand up and dug the knife into the wood, carving in my name, just like all these other people, I was marking my territory.

         "There." I said turning around and handing her the knife back. She smiled and brought her arms around my waist.

         "You have to say it." She said cutely with a grin. I brought my arms around her neck.

         "I Spencer Carlin, will forever love Ashley Davies." I finished with a big grin. She pulled me closer and we met for a passionate kiss.

         "And I Ashley Davies, will forever love Spencer Carlin." She whispered as our forheads reasted on each other.

         That was two weeks before prom, two weeks before the shooting, and two weeks before we took her away from me. I loved her, and she loved me, and that hasn’t changed. I still love her, more then anything. I said forever, and I’ll love her forever, not even god can change that.


    End of Chapter 1

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    1. its so sad that ashley is dead and spencer is all alone and hurting but i love your story so please continue with it….i loved your last story so sad to see it go!!!!!pms plz!

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