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    You’re Everything To Me – (Chapter: Baby I Love You)

    Spencer laughed looking in the rear view mirror, "What are you doing back there Ash? Going on without me?"  

    Giving up on finding her skirt in the dark, Ashley climbed over into the passenger seat, her top completely undone, falshing her red laced bra.  She smiled and replied coyly; "Oh yeah Spence, I’m going to fuck myself slow and hard, right in next to you and make sure I moan your name."  Ashley’s grin got bigger when saw Spencer’s blue eyes get wider.  

    Looking at the other girl, Spencer glared, "Don’t you dare start that, you know how I get with you teasing me."  

    "Oh but baaaby, you know how badly I want to run my fingers down your body.  Caress your breasts and sexy toned abs.  I want to fuck you so hard, grind my hips deeply into yours…"  

    Spencer nearly crashed the car but managed to stay on the road.  She started to whimper and moan, squeezing her legs tightly together.  "Ashley…please not right now…"  

    The brunette smiled as she sat back in her seat.  "Baby you better drive faster or I guarantee we won’t make it."  Ashley felt the car accelerate as Spencer sped home.  She knew the blonde needed the release and teasing was only making things worse.  

    Spencer missed a few cars on the way home, she was only just a block or so away but it seemed like it was forever to get there.  

    "Damn Spencer, baby slow down or we’re going to die."  Ashley laughed a little when Spencer’s speed finally slowed down.  "Baby look, we’re on my street, just calm down okay."  

    As Spencer pulled into the drive, she cut the engine; "Sorry Ashley, I don’t think I’ve ever driven that fast in my life."  

    Laughing and getting out of the car Ashley looked down at the blonde; "Well that’s my girl, always driving fast and hard just the way I like it."  Grinning, Ashley closed the door and walked up to unlock the house.  

    Spencer watch, seconds after Ashley got out of the car did she realize that Ashley wasn’t completely clothed.  Quickly getting out of the car she ran up behind the brunette, wrapping her arms around the tanned waist.  "You know you could have finished getting dressed before getting out half naked in public!"  Spencer hissed into Ashley’s ear.  

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    1. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

    2. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

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