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    You’re Everything To Me – (Chapter: Baby I Love You)

    Ashley’s body started to heat up again, feeling the blondes hands slide around her waist.  "Yeah but then it wouldn’t make any sense because my clothes would be off and so would yours.  And all I want on your body is my body."  The brunette pushed herself backwards into the blonde’s heated body.  

    "Mmm…Damnit Ashley just open the fucking door so you can fuck me before I go crazy."  Spencer said leaving a low growl after the sentence.  

    Ashley, not wanting to make Spencer wait any longer unlocked the door and pulled Spencer into the house.  "Okay soooo now that we’re inside where am I fucking you baby?"  Ashley’s gring couldn’t be hidden as Spencer looked around the house.  

    "Well…How about you pick."  Spencer said resting against the banister leading to the upstairs.  

    "Okay I say bedroom and I have a little surprise when I get you up there."  Leading Spencer up the stairs, Ashley was hoping that her girlfriend would go along with her plan. Once upstairs and in the bedroom, Ashley led Spencer to the bed where she guided the girl down.  "Baby lay on ur back and closer your eyes."  Ashley kissed the blondes lips as her hands found Spencer’s and led them up to the top of the bedpost.  Not breaking the contact with their lips, Ashley reached for what she was looking for.  Finding it she carefully and gently placed Spencer’s hand in them.  

    Feeling the sudden coldness on her wrists, Spencer broke the kiss and looked up.  "What’s with the handcuffs baby?"  There were no worries in the girl’s voice but there was curiousity and interest.  

    "So that you don’t touch me while I fuck you slow, hard, and deep, just like I said."  Ashley’s words turned into a low gowl as she began to kiss Spencer’s neck and biting down gently but hard enought to get the girl to gasp.  Satisfied with the mark she left, Ashley broke the contact from Spencer’s neck, she heard a groan of disappointment.  Smiling, the brunette unbuttoned Spencer’s white corset top.  She moved her kisses down to the blonde’s shoulders, then chest.  Ashley could feel Spencer’s deep, short breaths as she kissed along the other girl’s left breast.  She flicked her tongue out capturing the girl’s nipple into her mouth.  

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    1. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

    2. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

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