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    You’re Everything To Me – (Chapter: Baby I Love You)

    "Oh fuck…Ash…Mmmm."  Spencer’s back arched into Ashley’s mouth, her knee finding it’s way between Ashley’ thighs.  She could feel the brunette’s hands sliding down her stomach as a groan releases from her.  

    As Ashley pulled away from Spencer’s breast, she could feel the light bucking from the blonde.  She straddled Spencer’s waist, her hands at the girl’s side.  "No baby it’s your turn."  

    "Ashley please I need you now."  Spencer pleaded thrusting her hips up into the brunette’s.  

    Ignoring her pleas, Ashley’s head dropped down to Spencer’s stomach.  Kissing, and sucking lightly turning the helpless blonde on more and more as each kiss went lower.  When Ashley reached Spencer’s pants, her tongue glided along her waistline as her fingers started to undo her pants.  

    "Fuck oh my…Ash please."  Spencer mover her arms to reach for Ashley, but was stopped by the handcuffs.  Starting to whimper as she felt her pants slide off, she quckly helped Ashley get rid of the articles of clothing.  

    Ashley laughed; "Spencer are we that bothered baby?"  She bed over Spencer’s body and moved close to her ear.  "Baby I wonder how wet I’ve made you."  

    Spencer let out a moan as she started to tighten her legs, trying to get a release knowing she was soaking wet from Ashley’s teasing and sexy tone she was using.  

    The brunette felt Spencer shift; "Spencer…trying to get off without me?  You know I’ll give you what you want and more."  Ashley’s last words disappeared as she bit the girl’s neck just as her hand went between her thighs.  

    "ASHLEY!  Oh fuck…"  Spencer gasped and moaned moving her hips against the girl’s hand.  Each thrust Spencer pushed her hips into Ashley’s hand grinding hard.  Matching speed for speed and thrust for thrust, she felt herslef becoming close to climax and orgasming.  

    Ashley quickened her pace, moving her head between Spencer’s thighs.  Not letting up, she sucked and pulled on the blonde’s clit pushingg her tongue down hard.  

    "FUCK ASHHLEEEY!!!"  Spencer screamed, bringing her back completely off the bed as a burst of colors exploded and blinded her eyes.  She could still feel Ashley inside her.  Until her body collasped, Spencer felt like she was in a dream.  

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    1. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

    2. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

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