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    You’re Everything To Me – (Chapter: Baby I Love You)

    Ashley climbed back up Spencer’s body kissing her way up gently.  "Spence, baby you still alive sweetheart?"  

    Spencer smiled and kissed the girl passionately;  "I’m alive Ash, but…do you think you could let me out of these so I can hold you?"  Spencer’s amazing blue eyes glowed and her skin seemed to as well.  She watched as Ashley nodded her head and reached to get the cuffs off.  "Oh God, I feel better, now come here."  Spencer’s arms wrapped around the brunette’s waist, holding her closely.  

    They laid like that for a while and just let the silence surround them.  Then Ashley broke in; "Spencer I have something to ask you."  

    The tone brought Spencer to look at her girlfriend.  Her face was soft but serious.  "What is it Ash?"  

    "Well…I mean…I’ve been with you for what three years?  And well, we’re out of high school and I mean college will feel the same because we’re going to the same one…"  

    "Ashley…what are you trying to say?"  Spencer was starting to get worried.  

    "Spencer Marie Carlin, I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you…What I’m trying to say is …Will you marry me?"  Ashley looked away clearly shy that she brought up the question, after not seeing Spencer for three months.  The silence was what made her look back at the blue-eyed girl.  What she saw made her feel like she could walk on water.  

    Spencer’s eyes were tearing up and she was smiling; "Oh Ashley Davies…Yes I will…Oh my God I’m so glad you asked me.  Baby I love you, and I want to spend the rest of eternity with you."  

    Ashley grinned and kissed Spencer’s lips again.  "Then I’ll give you eternity."  Pulling the blonde closer, Ashley was presed perfectly into Spencer’s body.  Once again there was silence and Ashley was resting her head on Spencer’s while she lightly trailed her fingers up and down the blonde girl’s side.  "Spence?"  Ashley whispered.  


    "Spence?"  Ashley moved slightly to look down at Spencer.  Her eyes were closed with her arm resting around Ashley’s waist not moving, perfectly sound alseep.  Smiling, Ashley kissed Spencer then rested her head back against her fianceè’s.  Closing her own eyes, the older girl drifted off into a deep sleep, with the girl of her dreams next to her.  


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    1. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

    2. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

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