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    You’re Everything To Me – (Chapter: Dad Knows…)

    The brunette stirred but didn’t open her eyes.  She just rolled just a bit turning her head away from Spencer.

    Smiling, Spencer got an idea.  Carefully not wanting to wake her, the blonde crawled up onto the chair and straddled Ashley’s hips.  She watch as Ashley let out a sigh.  Spencer rocked her hips a little into the other girl, hearing a small, soft moan escape her mouth.  Spencer kept rocking as her hands slid up the brunette’s shirt.  "Ashley…"  She whispered in her ear.

    Still Ashley slept, only to mumble out "Oh God Spencer."

    Spencer wanted Ashley awake, clearly the girl could hear her so she thought of the only possible solution to get the girl up.  "Shit Ashley my mom’s home."

    Ashley shot up so fast she scared Spencer and almost knocked her off her lap.  "What?!?"  She looked around for the blonde’s mother not seeing her anywhere.

    Laughing Spencer looked at Ashley’s scared face.  "Baby, she’s not here.  I had to get you up because we have to go to dad’s for dinner."

    Calming down and controlling her breathing Ashley looked at Spencer and where she was sitting.  "So it wasn’t a dream huh?"

    Slapping the brunette in the arm lightly she got off her.  "Well come on or I’ll make sure I ban you from sex."

    Ashley jumped up; "No I swear to God you deny me sex, I’m gonna make you pay for it."  She ran after Spencer, chasing the girl all the way to the front door and out to her car.

    "Okay, okay, I won’t.  Besides I’d go crazy if I couldn’t touch you."  Spencer smiled sweetly.

    "Yeah I know you would."  Ashley laughed and got into the car after Spencer was in.

    Getting to Spencer’s old house, her dad opened the door.

    "Hey Mr. C. How Are You?"  Ashley smiled and gave him a hug.

    "Hi Ashley, I’m great come on in, foods almost ready."  Mr. Carlin moved out of the way to let the girls inside.  He watched as Ashley let Spencer in first and both girls kept smiling like crazy at each other.

    "So what are we eating?"  Spencer asked still smiling and sitting down at the table.

    Mr. Carlin laughed and put down plates; "Steak, mash potatos, salad and green beans.  Spencer, why are you so excited?"

    Spencer glanced over at Ashley then looked at her dad.  "Ashley and I have something to tell you.  Last night well…Ashley asked me to marry her and I said yes."

    Mr. Carlin was quiet then look at Ashley "I just have to say one thing to you Ms. Davies…  It’s about damn time."  He embraced Ashley in a big hug then opened his arms for Spencer to join.

    "Dad just don’t tell mom yet."  Spencer said in a pleading tone and look.

    "No I won’t, I’m just glad you told me.  Feel free to crash here I know it’s late."  Spencer’s dad replied.

    "Thanks dad."

    "Yeah thanks Mr. C."  Ashley said smiling slyly at Spencer.

    Later that night both girls were locked in Spencer’s room, watching a moive.  Despite her mother’s protests, she left for the night with Mr. Carlin.  Spencer’s arm was laying across Ashley’s stomach gently running her fingers up and down along the bare skin she found.

    "What are you thinking about baby?"  Ashley ask softly sliding her fingers down to Spencer’s hand.

    "Nothing just the wedding and all…What about you?"

    Ashley laughed; "A few things."

    "Mmm like what?"  Spencer shifted her body weighted and came eye to eye with Ashley’s amazingly beautiful brown eyes.

    "This…"  Ashley’s lips moved forward capturing Spencer’s in a passionate kiss.  Her hands slid down to the girls hips, pulling the blonde on top of her, causing Spencer to straddle Ashley.

    Spencer grinned into the kiss before moving her hips slowly against her finaceé’s, hearing her let out short whimpering noises.  Spencer rolled away from Ashley, looking at her,  "I want you now Ash.  So badly I want to fuck you hard and slow…Taste every inch of you and make you scream."

    Ashley’s eyes got wider as she looked at Spencer.  Smiling, she said only two words…"Do it."


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