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    You’re Everything To Me – (Chapter: Off Road Detour)


    ‘Attention everyone, we are now arriving at our destination please remain seated until the plane as landed.’   ‘…What the fuck??’  Ashley opened her eyes realizing that she wasn’t at home or with Spencer.  She was still on the plane.  "Damn that girl."  Waiting for the plane to fully stopp, she started to get more anxious to get off it.  

    It was a warm night in LA as Ashley stepped off the plane.  She immediately started to look for Spencer among the crowd.  A short while later, Ashley saw Spencer resting in a seat.  Walking up, she stood behind the girl.  "Hey baby, I’ve missed you."  

    Spencer smiled and jumped into Ashley’s arms.  "I’ve missed you too, I’ve been going crazy since you were gone."

    Ashley held Spencer tightly; "What do you say we go home and catch up on missing three months of each other."  Leading her and the blonde to Spencer’s car, she stopped and pulled the girl into a heated kiss.  Ashley pressed her body into Spencer’s then against the car.  Her hands were on the girl’s hips as Spencer’s knee found it’s way between Ashley’s thighs.  Groaning, Ashley looked up at Spencer.  "I think we should go before something else happens." 

    She laughed light and breathlessly.   Spencer laughed as she unlocked the doors.  "Yeah I don’t ws to share you with anyone else.  You’re mine."  The last two words came out in a low groal as she turned and kissed the brunette before getting into the car.  

    Ashley shivered and got in quickly grabbing Spencer’s hand and entwining their fingers.  "It’s good to be home Spence."  Ashley didn’t say another word afterwards, her mind was elsewhere.  ‘I have to tell her…I can’t stand this anymore.’  

    Spencer was driving down an empty road as she pulled off and stopped.  

    "Spencer is everything okay?"  A questioning look played the tanned girl’s face.  

    "For you, no.  I know you need to feel me Ash.  The wanting need and the kiss you gave me…You want to feel your body against mine."  The blonde leaned over and kissed Ashley as her fingers started to roam the girl’s body.  

    Sighing Ashley got out a few words as her clothes started to dissappear; "Spence…back seat…more…room."  

    Spencer only moved far enough away to get Ashley and her in the back seat.  She started to quickly remove Ashley’s corsett top and skirt, throwing them somewhere in the car. Things started to heat up as each girl found each other’s mouth and fought for dominance. It only took a few moment before Spencer’s hands started to wonder and found where Ashley wanted her the most.  


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