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    You’re Just Jealous Cause We’re Young and In Love – (Chapter: Fortunate Fool)


                “I heard you were awake…and well, I just had to see if you were…okay, or at least able to recover. I also want to apologize, although I know whatever I have to say can never be enough. I mean, here you are, in a hospital, with all these injuries, and I put you here! What can I possibly do or say that could ever make up for what I did? But I had to come here and see you, to let you know that I really am sorry, and I will do anything I can to help you, or make things..err…better. Or somewhere along those lines.” The blonde nodded her head in understanding, realizing that she had been right. Ashley did feel remorse.


                “I appreciate your concern,” the brunette froze waiting for the but portion. “I just want to know, why would you drive?”


                “Well, I wasn’t really driving…”


                “Then how are you responsible for me being here?”


                “My girlfriend was driving. And…we were both drunk, high, and incredibly stupid. I shouldn’t have let her drive in the first place, but that obviously wasn’t a concern of mine at the time. I did manage to distract her right before we hit your car, and so, that’s how I’m responsible for you being here.”


                “Oh…” the blonde looked around the room trying to figure out what to say next. She finally rested her eyes on the brunette. “Could you…would you mind telling me what happened? I don’t remember anything, and I would just like to know, from your point of view.” Ashley looked surprised. This girl was definitely something else. Out of the different reactions that she had run through her mind, kind and curious was not what she had been expecting. Now she understood why the doctors and nurses resented her so much. They were right, she was an incredibly sweet person. This of course just added to the guilt she was already feeling.


                “Sure…um…” she then realized that she didn’t even know the blonde’s name, causing her to blush.




                “Sorry,” she mumbled.


                “Don’t worry about it. I’m not a huge celebrity. I don’t expect you to magically know my name,” she told her with a smile.

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