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    You’re Just Jealous Cause We’re Young and In Love – (Chapter: Fortunate Fool)


                “Would you…would you mind if I came to visit you again?” the brunette asked timidly. Spencer offered her a beautiful smile and tilted her head to the side.


                “I’d like that very much.” Ashley felt herself smile a true smile. It was the first real smile, sober smile, that had graced her face in a long time.



                Spencer sighed as she let her thoughts run free before she fell asleep. All she could think about was the beautiful rock star. Her hesitancy and worry showed that she had remorse, and she honestly felt as though she couldn’t hold anything over her. It took courage to face the person you hurt, and it would’ve been so easy for her to stay in the hospital, get better, and leave things at that, but she hadn’t. Ashley had risked coming to see her, to make sure she was recovering, a feat that must’ve been difficult considering that the nurses here were like a second family to her. Besides all that, Ashley Davies was simply stunning, even in a hospital gown and a bandage wrapped around her head. She though it added a touch of realism to the celebrity. Despite not agreeing with the drug-use and driving under the influence, Spencer understood that Ashley had good intentions, and was glad that she would be returning.



                Ashley returned to her room in a far better mood than she had been in before. Granted, she still felt extremely guilty, and prayed that the blonde would get better, but she wasn’t as uptight as she had been before. She thought back to the woman who was trapped in that bed and even though she was broken and battered, Ashley thought she still looked beautiful. Her blue eyes held so much emotion, and they sparkled with life. Life…that word sure did hold a whole new meaning for the brunette. She would never again overlook what she had. She was very fortunate that she had survived the accident and that Spencer was such a compassionate person. She couldn’t wait for the next day to come. She was anxiously awaiting a time where she could visit the blonde. Her only concern was knowing when she could visit without causing any drama. Surly no one would allow her to visit, and how when she know when it was safe? These were all questions that were to be answered the next day. For the present time, Ashley knew that she needed rest. She allowed her eyes to flutter shut as the blonde’s angelic features appeared in her mind, her girlfriend completely forgotten.



                Ashley was growing impatient trying to figure out a good time to go and visit the blonde. There were no signs as to when she could make her way over. She certainly did not want another run in with Spencer’s mother. The woman was frightening, but understandably so. She decided to wait until around the same time that she had visited the previous day, although it felt like eternity to her. She flipped through the channels on her t.v. and skipped all the talk shows and day time soaps .She did, however, stop to watch a Lifetime movie, which she found incredibly dull, but there wasn’t anything else worth watching. Finally, she looked at her watch, noted the time, and made her way out of her bed. She grabbed a robe, opened her door, peered into the hallway, and once she’d assessed that everything was fine, she made her way to the elevator. She got off at Spencer’s floor, peeked down the hallways once again, and then stealthily made her way to room 312. She looked through the window and noticed that no one was around. She smiled as she watched the blonde watch her television. After a few moments, she realized that she couldn’t be seen in the hallway, and gently knocked on the door.


                “Come in!” came out the sweet reply. Ashley opened the door and their eyes met, sending shivers down the brunette’s spine.


                “Hey, Spence, how are you today?” she asked softly and tried her hardest not to break out into a grin. The blonde regarded her carefully, and the rock star felt her stomach drop as she was certain the woman was having doubts.


                “Um, hi. What are you doing here? And how…how do you know my name?”

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