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    You’re Just Jealous Cause We’re Young and In Love – (Chapter: Suddenly Everything’s Changing)


    “Ashley?” a quiet voice greeted. Finally the rock star shook herself out of her thoughts and looked over to meet frightened blue eyes. Her girlfriend, Amy, looked at her, desperately trying to find the warmth of her girlfriend in the familiar brown eyes. Ashley looked at her with a stoic expression, which caused the younger girl to become more uncomfortable. The two had yet to see each other, to talk about the events, and Amy was scared. “Are you all right?” The brunette let out a short derisive laugh and let her eyes drift back to her wall.


    “Oh yeah Amy, I’m fantastic. We may have killed a person due to our utter stupidity, but yeah, I’m fine,” she replied with venom in her voice. The blonde recoiled a bit at her girlfriend’s tone. The other woman was unfamiliar and a coldness was emanating from her small form.


    “It was an accident, Ash.” The rock star turned her head very slowly and anger filled her eyes.


    “An accident? I’d hardly call last night an accident. We went in the car on purpose; we did it knowing full well that we were incapable of driving. No, Amy, an accident is rear ending another car after sliding in the rain. What we did, that was no accident. That was pure stupidity.” The blonde shifted uncomfortably, not at all liking this new side of her girlfriend.


    “You keep saying ‘we’ like it’s your fault. It’s not. I was the one who was driving, I was the one who lost control of the car, and I was the one who hit that woman, Ashley. You had nothing to do with it.” The older girl shook her head.


    “I let you drive. I distracted you. It was just as much my fault as it was yours. I deserve just as much blame. Because of us, there is a woman, our age…our age, two floors above us, fighting, struggling to survive, to see her family, to have a future. Do you know what the worst part is?” Amy shook her head. “Even if she does live, even if she does make it, her future could be shot to hell. If she manages to physically heal, her brain could be damaged. She could have amnesia, not quite the perfect thing for a law student to have. What the fuck have we done?” she asked quietly. Her girlfriend was unsure of how to answer the question, if it was, indeed, an answer that Ashley was seeking, although she was sure it was rhetorical. She wasn’t even certain how to handle the brunette. She had met the rock star in a club, and thus far, her life with the woman had been care-free and happy-go-lucky. She had never seen this side of her girlfriend, and she wasn’t sure she could handle it.


    1. i dont know if im releived for ashley that she finally saw spencer… or if im worried for ashley that she told spencer it was her fault. big strong ashley cracked… wow. great post. PMS

    2. i dont know if im releived for ashley that she finally saw spencer… or if im worried for ashley that she told spencer it was her fault. big strong ashley cracked… wow. great post. PMS

    3. Awww…i feel bad for Ash (and Spencer of course), but guilt SUCKS! I’m really loving this story! Thanks for the update, i will be waiting for the next one!

    4. Awww…i feel bad for Ash (and Spencer of course), but guilt SUCKS! I’m really loving this story! Thanks for the update, i will be waiting for the next one!

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