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    You’re Just Jealous Cause We’re Young and In Love – (Chapter: Suddenly Everything’s Changing)


                “Well, dear, you were on your way home…and…and…you…um, you got into a car accident. Another car hit yours. It was pretty severe.”


                “What’s wrong with me?”


                “Let’s see, you have two broken legs, two broken ribs, a black eye, some bruising on your brain, and you had massive internal bleeding. Your body went into shock, and Mike here saved your life,” her mother finished in a shaky voice. The young woman stared at the familiar doctor.


                “Thank you.”


                “Not a problem Spencer.” The blonde now looked around the room and was unsure of what to do or what to say.


                “And…what about the people in the other car…what happened to them? Are they  alive? Are they in as bad condition?” Spencer didn’t miss the change in her mother’s eyes. Blue eyes became angry and cold.


                “They’re fine. They’re not nearly as hurt as you. They were drinking and high. One woman lost control of the car and hit yours. They’ll live, and with much fewer injuries than you.” Spencer suddenly felt uncomfortable with Paula in the room. She loved her mom, but could tell the older woman was in a whole other world. The young woman grabbed her mother’s arm gently, bringing her back to reality.


                “Thanks Mom. I’m tired, I think maybe I’ll just sleep for a while.”


                “Oh, yes…right. Sleep. You should get plenty of rest and sleep.” She bent down and kissed her daughter on the forehead. “I love you honey. If there’s anything you need, press this button right here, and I’ll be here in no time. And if I’m in surgery, one of the nurses will take care of you, all right?” Spencer nodded in understanding, and was relieved once her mother and doctor had left. She let out a large sigh and looked around at all the flowers and balloons that already took up so much room. She smiled at large stuffed bear that sat on one of the chairs. It had clearly been from Clay and Glen, her two goofy brothers. She smiled at their gesture but cringed as a sharp shooting pain entered her head for a few minutes before fading. She tried to adjust herself in her bed, but the casts on her legs were heavy, and the pain in her ribs was insufferable. She felt utterly miserable.


    Her eyelids started to drift shut when she heard her door softly open. A brunette stuck her head in, took it back out, and then stepped into the room. She was quite surprised to see the Ashley Davies standing rather awkwardly in the middle of her room, wearing a hospital gown. The brunette was gorgeous, even with the white bandage wrapped around her head and the few bruises she could spot. Spencer looked at her curiously.


    “Um, hi? What are you doing in here?” she questioned. The brunette was now standing at her bedside. She looked into the chocolate brown eyes which held a great deal of sadness and grief. With those few words, the famous rock star burst into tears and crumpled to the floor. Spencer looked on in shock, unsure of what was going on. She had no idea why this celebrity was crying in her room, and she had nothing to say. She reached down and grabbed one of the woman’s wrists. The brunette stared back at her as she tried to control her tears. “It’s okay,” she assured the woman kindly. “I think you have the wrong room. But whatever’s wrong, I’m sure everything will be okay.” Ashley shook her head slightly as silent tears made their way down her cheeks. “What’s wrong, why are you crying?” Spencer asked softly, not wanting to upset the other woman.


    “It was me,” Ashley finally managed to choke out. “It was me,” she repeated. The blonde furrowed her eyebrows.


    “What was you?”


    “I’m the reason why you’re in here.” And with that, she started to sob once again.


    1. i dont know if im releived for ashley that she finally saw spencer… or if im worried for ashley that she told spencer it was her fault. big strong ashley cracked… wow. great post. PMS

    2. i dont know if im releived for ashley that she finally saw spencer… or if im worried for ashley that she told spencer it was her fault. big strong ashley cracked… wow. great post. PMS

    3. Awww…i feel bad for Ash (and Spencer of course), but guilt SUCKS! I’m really loving this story! Thanks for the update, i will be waiting for the next one!

    4. Awww…i feel bad for Ash (and Spencer of course), but guilt SUCKS! I’m really loving this story! Thanks for the update, i will be waiting for the next one!

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