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    You’re Just Jealous Cause We’re Young and In Love – (Chapter: Suspended Like Spirits Over Speeding Cars)


    The two women had only met a mere few months ago in a downtown club, and they immediately hit it off, and were soon inseparable. They danced and drank the night away and ended the night in the brunette’s bed. The weeks went by and the two went to club openings, movie premieres and concerts from the bands that the brunette was promoting. They drank away the nights, and it wasn’t long before the blonde was introduced to drugs, an integral part of her girlfriend’s life. She started off slow; pot came first, and within a week came blow, E, meth, and even prescription pills such as Oxycodone and Ritalin. Yes, the two women lived a fast paced life and couldn’t be happier.


    The night of the accident, the blonde and brunette were cruising around in the older woman’s convertible. The top was rolled down, the music was pumping and the two girls had had quite a bit of alcohol as well as a few hits of pot. Yes, it was a bit mild, but they had plans of returning to the large mansion belonging to Ashley to take a few lines of coke. For now both women had the desire to go on a midnight drive. Both had drunkenly debated on who was going to drive, and the keys were quickly relinquished to the younger girl.


    I’m gonna stay eighteen forever (cut me open)
    So we can stay like this forever (sun poisoned)
    And we’ll never miss a party (this offer…)
    cause we keep them going constantly (…stands forever)
    And we’ll never have to listen (new haircut)
    to anyone about anything (new bracelet)
    cause it’s all been done and it’s all been said (eyeliner)
    we’re the coolest kids and we take what we can get (wait forever)



    The women whooped and hollered and sang to the music at the top of their lungs. Life was good, and nothing could bother them. Ashley took out a freshly rolled joint and lit it up.

    “Hey!” her girlfriend exclaimed, “lemme get some of that!”


    “You’ll have to get it yourself!” the older woman teased. The blonde reached for the joint causing the car to swerve to the right. “Whoa! Watch out!” the brunette said giggling. She gave the joint up and began to caress the tan, toned thigh to the left of her. She traced patterns on it and allowed her hand to travel upwards.

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