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    You’re Just Jealous Cause We’re Young and In Love – (Chapter: Suspended Like Spirits Over Speeding Cars)


    “Ash!” the blonde said between giggles and moans. “I’m trying to drive!” The other woman simply attacked her girlfriend’s neck and lavished her with kisses. Blue eyes fluttered closed for a few seconds, and when they opened, she let out a blood-curdling scream as she immediately slammed on the brakes. Ashley watched in horror as her car spun around and into a dark blue Honda Civic. She felt her body jolt forward and then blackness consumed her.


    An ambulance and police were at the scene within 15 minutes. Three bodies were pulled from the wreckage. The two women from the convertible were hurt, but nothing too major. The alcohol had kept their bodies loose and relaxed. Unfortunately the other woman didn’t fare so well. A policeman shook his head as he surveyed the damage. All of the women who had been involved were all too young. The recklessness of the blonde and brunette did not go unnoticed by the trained policeman.


    “Why the hell do people drink and drive?” he asked his partner. The blonde woman shook her head.


    “I have no idea. The paramedics suspect they were also high. What possessed them to drive is beyond me.”


    “Were you able to find identification? I should probably alert their families.” He stated as he watched the ambulances race to the hospital in desperate hopes to save the one woman’s life. She had massive internal bleeding, two broken legs, probably some bruising on her brain, and most likely a few broken ribs. If she did survive, the recovery would be brutal. It was a horrible thought, and the policeman felt bad because he knew that everything could’ve been prevented.


    “The two women in the convertible were Ashley Davies and her girlfriend. I don’t know her name,” his partner said softly. “And the other woman,” she took in a deep breath, “we couldn’t find any identification either. She…she…is it always this bad?” she asked her partner seeing as how she was new to the force. Aiden Dennison nodded his head grimly.


    “Yup, this is L.A. Fast cars, racing, late night drinking, getting high, all part of the lifestyles of the rich and famous.” The young woman looked at the two wrecked cars and sighed heavily. She wasn’t sure if she liked the big city compared to the small town that she had transferred from.



    Back at the hospital, the paramedics raced into the emergency room and doctors met them with urgency. The EMT pointed to the most injured woman, and doctors immediately went to her side. Interns transferred her to a gurney and raced to the O.R. The on call resident scrubbed in and was mentally going through what he’d have to do based on the information that was given to him about his patient. He was glad he didn’t know a name. It would make it easier to work on the woman. He could just concentrate on this Jane Doe and not think about the family she could leave behind. He entered the operating room and gasped when he saw the woman he was to be saving. He now knew he had to do everything in his power to make sure that the young woman survived.


                “Johnson…” he said gravely. His intern looked up at him.




                “Go tell Dr. Carlin that we have her daughter here.”

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