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    A Drive

    The driver gasped as she watched her companion’s efforts and the effect it had on the sensitive bud but she wanted to see more "Ooooohhh, that’s nice. Now, suck on your nipples" she said encouragingly, enjoying the show.

    Grasping both of her full breasts, she pulled them up to her mouth that was stretching to receive them and sucked on each nipple strongly before releasing it to the breeze. She smiled at her lover triumphantly as she relaxed again, slowly fingering her now engorged nipples.

    The driver once again ran a hand down her companion’s body cupping her sex through her underwear and applying some pressure.

    "You are so fucking wet right now. I want you to finger your clit but you aren’t allowed to cum or remove your fingers until I say so."

    "Ahhhh" groaned the passenger as she eagerly ran her fingers down under her panties, between her legs. She dipped into the wet pool at her center coating her fingers then smearing the wetness up over her clit, her fingers gliding easily between and around the folds. "Soo good," she murmured. She offered a wet finger to the driver, who sucked it smoothly into her mouth licking it clean, then the passenger dipped down for more fingering herself strongly.

    The driver looked ahead and spotted a big rig that she would have to pass but there was plenty of room on the 4 lane highway. "Don’t stop, I’m passing a truck coming up fast."

    Her passenger hesitated but continued to finger herself as asked.

    The driver indicated and then moved over into the left lane to make her pass, inching up on the truck as she moved to go past it. Soon her vehicle came abreast of the truck drivers door and looking over at her companion, she slowed her speed to match the big rig. Her companion suddenly realized that if the driver looked down he would see her fingering herself with both breasts exposed and she panicked but her lover calmed her. "No, don’t stop keep going, you look so beautiful and open to the world, I want you to cum like this."she said throatily. "Totally exposed."

    The passenger laid back down on the seat and slowly moved her hand back to her underwear feeling completly wanton. The truck horn suddenly sounded as the driver became aware of the show going on below his window and tooted approvingly. Encouraged now from two fronts she slid her hand inside her underwear again and ran her fingers once again through her sopping wet folds and up to her clit, moaning softly. "Ohhhh, God this is so hot!" she said totally aware that the driver could see everything she was doing to herself.

    She looked over at her lover who was licking her lips as she concentrated on keeping the car a safe distance from the truck and matching it’s speed. "I love you" she mouthed. "I want to see you cum".

    The passenger was fast losing control and her movements became faster as she raised her hips to meet her right hand. She squeezed her nipples with her other hand as she became frantic in her need to cum. Just before she orgasmed she heard the horn sound again, encouraging her to her climax and her senses spun out of control as she spasmed uncontrollably….

    Tina bolted upright in bed, breathing heavily. "Christ" she whispered still feeling the effects of her intense orgasm. She looked over at Bette sleeping soundly and resisted the urge to wake her and tell her about her dream. She slipped back down beside her lover and was soon back asleep.

    The next morning, Bette woke Tina with kisses to her face and neck. "Mmmm wake up babe, I am so fucking horny. You won’t believe the dream I had last night." Bette said between kisses.

    Tina was enjoying the attention, "I had a pretty good one myself, what was yours about?" she asked.

    Bette leaned back and looked Tina in the eyes adoringly. "Well, it was a beautiful day, the perfect kind of day for a drive along the coast. I was driving this big rig when a car came up on my left ……"



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    1. Where can I get a dream like that. OK, my choice would be Claudia Black as Aeryn in Farscape. A brunette in leather – be still my heart! Guess you know where my name comes from! There are a few options from Buffy, my other fav prog.

    2. Wow! Great story, and it is indeed strange how we both wrote very similar stories at the same time! Thanks for the shoutout too. Okay, this may sound a little weird, but I used to have a thing for Debra Barone in “Everybody Loves Raymond”. I mean, I’m only 19 so we may not be matched so well, lol, but something about her. Plus, it never seems like she gets satisfied … yet! lol! (You don’t have to include her, it’s just a random confession! lmao!) Anyways, thanks so much for posting and it’s too bad you had to change your story! Can’t wait to read more.

    3. Whew! That was definitely HOT! I loved both driving stories. My picks will definitely date me so feel free not to use them – I loved that gay female attorney on LA Law – I think her name was Amanda on the show but I don’t know the actress’ name who played her. I also thought the actress that played the fire fighter on ER and was Carrie’s eventual lover was very fine. I’ll try and recall her name and PM you. Lookin’ forward to your next chappie!

    4. Reminds me of a woman I used to work with-she liked to tell her coworkers how she’d give her husband blow jobs in the car while driving in NYC traffic. I guess we can all hide behind “it was only a dream”, but this ain’t my cup of tea.

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