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    Assault With A Deadly Weapon PART ONE

    Tina tried to reason with her assailant again, "Look you really don’t want to do this. There is still time to walk away from all this…"

    "THE SKIRT, NOW!" Tina bit back a retort as she was interupted and removed her skirt as ordered. She waited for further instructions and realized that her abductor was waiting for her to continue without being prodded. Proudly, Tina decided to remove her underwear without being told and she slipped them down and off her legs. "Very good," she heard coming from the darkness behind her. She wondered if she could remove her high heels and use them as some sort of weapon but her assailant read her mind and had her kick them off. "Niceeee," she heard and a shiver passed down her spine. "Spread your legs," she was told and moved them slightly apart. "Don’t play games with me, Spread your legs open." Tina widened her stance. "Put your hands on the door and take two steps back," she was instructed.

    After moving into position, she felt the body of her abductor press into her bottom thrusting against her and she shuddered. "I bet your pussy tastes like honey?" she heard and gasped. "Slide your fingers down into that hot little pussy," she was commanded but hesitated. "I told you you wouldn’t be hurt if you moved quickly so don’t keep me waiting. That’s it, move them around and get them nice and wet with your nectar. Good, now bring your hand behind your back. Tina complied and felt her wrist grabbed and pulled higher up her back immobilizing her. She heard some shuffling then suddenly her wet fingers were sucked into a warm mouth. "Mmmmmm," she heard. "More!" and her hand was released so she could finger herself again. She scooped up a liberal amount this time and reached back behind herself with her offerring. Again her fingers were sucked clean. "So good," she heard and her sex clenched in reaction totally against her will. "Hold onto the door knob and bend over," she was instructed and she quivered not sure what to expect. She felt the gloved hands pass over her bottom pulling her further away from the wall and then move down between her ass cheeks. She felt the hands spread her sex wide and immediately she felt the warmth of a human tongue slide down into her nether regions. She spasmed in reaction to the tongue invading her center so brazenly. "Mmmmm" she heard from her assailant who cupped ner mound so it could be raised higher to reach the probing mouth. "Yesss," the voice hissed licking between her ass cheeks. She felt the tongue probing at her tight hole and dip inside slightly as the hands dropped away from her body. She was held in place by the force of that tongue pressing into her so intimately and she gasped in shock and surprise at the personal invasion. Suddenly the hands returned and she noticed immediately that the gloves had been removed as they gripped her thighs. The tongue circled her hole once more before moving back down as a hand reached to cup her mound again and lift it upwards. She felt a finger probing at her opening and she tried to squirm away from the digit. "You know you want it" her assailant chuckled knowingly. "Tell me to fuck you!" the voice said harshly and Tina shook her head. The finger slid partially inside her center and she spasmed involuntarily. "Say it, and I’ll give you more," the voice negotiated.

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