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    Assault With A Deadly Weapon PART ONE

    Tina shook her head and whispered, "No!"

    The finger began moving in circles and Tina felt her hips moving slightly to apply some preasure. "Say it," the voice hissed as the tongue slid along her folds again.

    "Ahhh" Tina moaned shifting to push the finger deeper with herself.

    "Close enough." her abductor stated and drove the finger deep in side her, thrusting in and out quickly.

    "Oh, oh, oh," Tina groaned in rhythm with the fingers fucking her steadily. Then they pulled out and hovered at her center, waiting to penetrate her again, waiting for her to ask for it. "Fuck," Tina barked as the fingers pressed into her a fraction. "Ahhh…please…..fuck me" she whispered.

    "Louder," the voice demanded huskily.

    "FUCK ME!" Tina complied needed to feel those fingers again and she widened her stance, her body begging for the invasion. The assailant drove three fingers deep inside penetrating her core, pumping into her steadily. Her pussy was making slurping noises as the fingers moved fluidly in and out. Her breasts were swinging wildly as her body was shoved back and forth with the force of the thrusts.

    Tina could feel an orgasm building very quickly. "I’m ..going… to… cum," she managed to stammer between drives.

    "No, not yet," she was commanded.

    The fingers increased their speed. "I..can’t…" Tina croaked.

    "Yes you can. Hold it, I’ll tell you when," she was ordered as a fourth finger was added.

    "Oh my God," Tina choked out. trying desperately to rein in her emotions.

    She felt the tongue return to her folds licking just below her center that was being fucked so ruthlessly.

    The hand that had been holding her around her thigh snaked around to her clit pulling and pinching causing her to hold her breath, the sensations were so overwhelming. "Now!" she heard and she expelled her breath in relief. "You are allowed to cum now," and the fingers thrust inside even deeper.

    Tina felt her climax start at the back of her legs and flow upwards to her center before bursting around the fingers pressed intimately inside her, "Arrgghhh" she screamed as wave after wave washed over her causing her legs to buckle and she felt the arms around her move to support her weight as she collapsed to the ground. She turned to her assailant weakly and noticed even in the darkness that the ski mask was gone.

    She felt the body around her shift and move along her side and a hot mouth slide up her abdomen, pausing to kiss a nipple before moving to her mouth. Tina met the mouth halfway and accepted the probing tongue, "Mmmmm" she moaned as they broke away. "That was amazing," she said breezily flipping over on top of her assailant

    "You seemed to enjoy it," Bette chuckled.

    "Next time I get to be the bad guy," Tina affirmed.

    Bette jumped to her feet, "Okay, here’s the lethal popcicle stick, give me the house keys and I’ll be right back!" she said eagerly and Tina laughed.



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