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    Assault With A Deadly Weapon PART TWO

    Shaking her head she went back to the shower. Removing her underwear and bra she stepped up to the shower stall and reached in to check the temperature with her arm. She felt something feather over her wrist and she screamed slightly startled. Pulling aside the curtain quickly she watched the luffa sway against the hook it was attached. Feeling incredibly stupid, she stepped inside the shower, shaking her head. "Okay, I can see the marquee now, "Attack of the Killer Luffa!" she said to herself laughing. She had just completed her shower when suddenly the lights went out, "Tina?" she called out. "T?" Bette whipped the curtains back quickly coming face to face with another naked wet body in the darkness and screamed before realizing she was looking at her own reflection in the mirror across from the shower. "Duh!" she thought and turned to see why the lights went out. She reached over and tried the switch but nothing happened. Thinking to herself, "Not the best time for a bulb to burn out but at least my shower is done". She grabbed a towel and dried her body then headed to the bedroom. She pulled back the covers on their bed and then realized she had left all the lights on in the front room. She debated whether to turn them off then kicked herself for being lazy. She grabbed up her bathrobe and belted it securely around her waist and went to turn them all off. She flicked on the outside light for Tina so she could see when she got home and extinguished the rest while heading back to the bedroom suddenly tired from her long day. Maybe just a short catnap before her love came home. Back in the bedroom she noticed a bulge in Tina’s side of the bed and crept close jumping on the bump. "Ah ha!" she said foolishly to a pile of pillows whacking them with her hands. "Shit!" she said frustrated.

    All of a sudden she could hear muffled laughter coming from the closet, and the door opening to reveal Tina garbed in black pants, black shirt and leather gloves. Tina was holding her crotch doubled over in laughter, "Christ I’m going to pee my pants!" she said hoarsely, making her way to the bathroom with her legs clenched tightly together.

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