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    Assault With A Deadly Weapon PART TWO


    Bette was scowling, "That wasn’t funny T"

    Tina was still laughing from the bathroom while she emptied her bladder. "If you could have seen your face everytime you thought you had me, you’d be laughing too," she said flushing, then washing her hands. Tina came into the bedroom pulling off her clothes. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to stay quiet while you jumped into each shadow trying to grab me before I could get a chance to grab you?"

    "I was not, I was pretending I was alone and making myself really vulnerable to an attack by an intruder" Bette said solemnly then started to grin. "It must have been a little funny though when I jumped out of the shower," Bette admitted.

    "I don’t know, I heard you scream but I was under the bed when the lightbulb burned out. Talk about a coincidence," Tina smirked. "When you went to turn off the lights I put the pillows under the blanket and got in the closet."

    "I thought you were going to attack me with the popsicle stick?" Bette asked.

    "I was but it took longer to find some black clothes, I couldn’t find the stupid ski mask and all of a sudden you were coming in the front door so I jumped into the kitchen closet. I almost lost it when you tried to get that water bottle out of the fridge when there were 3 bottles lining the door within easy reach," she said noticing the guilty flush on Bette’s cheeks, "That’s when I knew it would be more frustrating for you if I just stood back and did nothing, rather than actually attack you as you were so obviously expecting," Tina confessed smugly.

    Bette was grinning broadly when she realized the truth of Tina’s words. She had been more nervous waiting for her love to get the drop on her then if she had been really grabbed. "So no bad Tina?" she asked disappointed.

    Tina shoved Bette in the chest, knocking her back on to the bed. "I wouldn’t say that!" Tina said wickedly removing the rest of her clothes. "Take off that robe," Tina ordered.

    Bette smiled in anticipation and quickly shrugged out of her robe, "Yes, ma’am!" she said meekly as Tina stood at the end of the bed between Bette’s hanging legs. She bent down and pulled Bette’s knees up so she could put her heels on the bed. "Show me you want me, " Tina said huskily.

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