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    Assault With A Deadly Weapon PART TWO

    Bette slowly spread her legs displaying her sex to her partner. "I want you T," she said breathlessly.

    "Show me," Tina said again.

    Bette reached down into her folds and spread her inner lips apart. Tina could easily see Bette’s center opening and closing as if reaching for something. A small dribble of wetness was flowing out after each muscle clench, running straight down to pool between her ass cheeks.

    "Mmmmm," Tina said licking her lips. "What do you want from me?" she asked noticing Bette’s eyes ignited with passion.

    "Everything" Bette stated simply. "I want everything you have to give me."

    Tina knelt down and blew a small amount of air across Bette’s heated folds. "Ohhhh," Bette groaned in reaction. "God, please T. Touch me. I need you," Bette confided.

    Tina ran a finger around Bette’s revealed clitoris and watched it jump under the sudden attention. She pulled Bette’s hands away so she could access the nub more closely. Bette moaned deep in her throat when Tina’s tongue snaked out and licked her swollen clit sucking it strongly into her mouth. She leaned down further and sucked in a mouthful of Bette’s love juices. "Mmmmm," Tina moaned, "Ambrosia!" she said huskily.

    Bette was having trouble focussing on her partner’s words. She was all sensation right now and those sensations were oh so good. "T?," she begged wanting more.

    Tina smiled and ran her finger around, circling Bette’s center before pushing deeply inside. "Arghhh," Bette gasped, spreading her legs even wider accepting the intrusion. Tina pulled back out and added 2 more fingers before thrusting in again as far as she could go. Bette bucked up off the bed loving the feel of Tina’s fingers within her. "Fuck me babe," Bette commanded and Tina immediately complied. Latching onto Bette’s clit, Tina gently tongued her while pumping strongly in and out of Bette’s core. She could feel Bette’s thigh muscles clenching as her orgasm approached. Tina quickly curled her fingers upwards to rub against the sensitive area within Bette’s inner walls and Bette spasmed in orgasmic ecstasy. "Teeeeeeeeeee," she called out as her muscles weakened in the aftermath of her explosive release, Tina climbed up between Bette’s legs and pulled Bette to her so they lay chest to chest.

    Tina shook her head, "Shit! I forgot about the popsicle stick"

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