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    Chapter 2

    New York, Monday morning, Bette’s gallery. Bette is sitting at her desk in her office and James in a seat opposite her.

    (Bette) I’ll be gone a week, but you can contact me if anything comes up outside of the usual

    (James) No problem boss, I’m across everything that needs doing while you’re away

    Bette nods.

    (Bette) I don’t anticipate any delays with the preparations here, and I’ll be back a full week before the opening

    (James) I’ll let you know if anything unexpected comes up

    (Bette) Thank you James

    James stands to leave and Bette focuses on her laptop. James glances at her as he gathers his things.

    (James) Where are you off to?

    Bette remains focused on her screen.

    (Bette) I’m sorry James, I have to reply to this email immediately. Is there anything else you need from me?

    James smiles and shakes his head as he turns towards the door.

    (James) No, nothing. Well enjoy it anyway, you deserve the break

    He makes his way out the door.

    That evening, Bette, Alice, Shane and Dana are having dinner in a busy and casual restaurant. Various share plates are placed on the table in front of them by a member of the wait staff, and they all thank them and then focus on their meal.

    (Alice smiles) God I love this place

    Alice serves herself some fried rice and then passes the dish on to Dana, and Bette nods towards the bar as she reaches for a rice paper roll.

    (Bette) Dane isn’t that the woman you were speaking to last weekend sitting at the bar?

    Dana looks over to where Bette is gesturing to and furrows her brow.

    (Dana) Ah, yeah, I think so

    Alice looks to Bette.

    (Alice) She knows so. She’s hardly taken her eyes off her since we arrived

    Bette smiles and looks back to Dana.

    (Bette) You’re not going to say hi?

    (Dana) Maybe later

    Alice continues looking to the bar.

    (Alice) Well she’s alone, might be a good chance to

    (Dana) Later Al, maybe

    Bette and Alice smile at each other. Shane has a sip of beer and glances around the table.

    (Shane) Did you all get my text about the band I’m seeing this weekend? There’s a last minute show and I can get us all tickets if anyone’s keen

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