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    AGAIN—- A huge WARNING for the next few chapters. They may contain a lot of content many people will find offensive and extremely objectionable.


    Chapter 4

    "I’m telling you Alice, Jodie is after Tina!" Bette said slamming her hand down on the table in front of her.
    The other patrons of the planet swiveled their heads around to look at the two beautiful women seated together.

    Alice gave them all the evil eye and they quickly turned away from the force of the glare, and she smirked triumphantly. "Okay, worst case scenario and you’re right? So what? Tina isn’t going to drop you for her. So what’s the harm?" Alice reasoned.

    "I don’t know. I just have this terrible feeling concerning all this. I told you about the fight we had last night but it was worse when Tina came home. She thinks this modeling for Jodie’s next piece, might actually be good for our relationship. Some kind of fucking proof that she loves me and that I can trust her. Something like that, I didn’t really hear everything she was trying to tell me because I lost it again. We talked things out but I still spent most of the night on the couch," Bette said miserably.

    "That’s why you’ve got all that luggage under your eyes. Have I mentioned that you look horrible?" Alice teased.

    "Multiple times, thanks Al. You do wonders for my self esteem," Bette said grimly. She frowned remembering how she had behaved with Tina and their subsequent discussion. She had managed to slink back into their bedroom in the early morning hours and Tina hadn’t objected when she crawled into their bed but they hadn’t spoken this morning. Bette knew this was her problem to deal with but her old insecurities about losing Tina had surfaced and she couldn’t get that demon out of her head.

    "Maybe Tina’s right?" Alice said playing devil’s advocate. "Maybe you need to test the strength of your relationship. No hear me out Porter," Alice said stopping Bette before she could interrupt. "Here you are freaking out because another woman wants Tina to model naked for her. You assume this would lead to Tina leaving you. If Tina could be so easily swayed, isn’t that good to know now before you invest more of yourself into this relationship?"

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    1. Hey you… that was great… starting from the top with the disclaimer that was priceless… keep on pushing and make sure you push all those buttons… keep people on their toes LOL… I do think that a certain ‘Bette Porter’ has started to calm down and loosen the reigns and well that can be a good thing but also can spell certain ‘drama’ I think that Jodie is going to find a way to blackmail a certain ‘T’ granted its your story… but reading into the kind of character that ‘Jodie’ is well I can’t put it past her… hmmmmmm… this might just end up creating a rift between this ‘perfect’ could anyways… but then again we need our drama and well I need my fix so get back her soon and give me a fix… cause well yeah I’m quite certain that the next couple chappy’s are going to be steaming… hmmmmm maybe just maybe ‘Jodie’ wants ‘Tina’ to pose with some other ladies and well that might be enough to set things into motion… trust can be easily deceived… akkk get back here soon my mind is wandering off… keep on kicking ass my friend, JC (Latin Nephew to those Salsa Angels)

    2. Oh and congratulations on winning the LL contest… it was an honor to work along side you creating some interesting stories… with the others… I’m hoping for more oppertunities like that it was nice way to stretch our creative muscles… if you are ever interested in a personal challenge… you and me… and anyone else we can wrangle in just holler I’m all for it… NC-17 style LMAO… hugs, JC

    3. Good to see some progress in B&T`s relationship. hmmm, wondering how the modeling for Tina will turn out – without Bette, a crazy Jodi and dizzy from a pill… I see the drama coming our way! oh, and I loved your warnings at the beginning – how considered of you…:) Please post soon again! Thanks.

    4. Oh say it isn’t so… An entire week without some Bette and Tina lovin’ must have been pure torture for both of them. I sense that Jodie will stop at nothing to take advantage of Tina in her drug-impaired state…and let’s be honest; a naked Tina would be hard to resist – even for a good-natured person – of which Jodie is not. I’m waiting on bated breath to see what wonderful drama you have cleverly composed for us your devoted readers… More soon, I hope! Hugs…East

    5. Glad to see everyone likes your disclaimer ;) Wow! Thank you for such kind words; I’m speechless. It is you who I bow to. For you have continued on this journey, never compromising your artistic integrity no matter how bloody it got. That requires inner strength,confidence, and above all integrity. Thank you for sharing your story with us!

    6. oh i have this feeling my tibette heart is going to be broken… and tina taking that pill… and jodie the way she is… i just hope tina is not to dazed and has the strength to stop jodie… take care of tina… PLEASE…PPS

    7. I have been warned. Now, of course, I will have to constantly check the site for the next chapter. LOL. When you have time someday, go back and look at stories written in early days of the site. Some of the comments were brutal. Also, last time I checked, some of Lastkid’s and Pancha’s stories had three stars. Your chapters have great page views (I’m jealous)so many readers love them and keep coming back. Thanks for posting. Looking forward to your next chapter.

    8. No, no, no…..i feel something bad coming on. We know that Jodie can’t be trusted and Tina has just taken a pill and isn’t really 100% all there. Time to throw up the caution flag. I can’y belive that Bette agreed to this in the first place. This is one hell of a test that Tina is putting her through. Wasn’t there some other way that Bette could prove that she trusted Tina completely w/ out having her model nude for Jodi of all people. It’s quite telling that Tina is already thinking of Bette and there future together…marriage, kids, the whole nine…i just hope that the two of them make it to that day as one happy couple. PPS! Hoping that what i think is about to happen doesn’t, but dying to read about whatever it is :)

    9. tina is walking into a lion’s den…and woozy at that? they should have cancelled. if tina hadn’t taken that pill it would have been cool…but she is not herself right now. glad you are continuing to post.

    10. Rutroooooooooooo. What is brewing now??? Your Author Notes cracked me up, and you know why. LOL! You are too much. Keep on doing what you are doing. Maybe one day you might even get to be called Mistress. ;- )))) You have an incredible following CLS, and I for one cannot wait for more!!!!!!

    11. Bette should not have giving Tina that pill, Jodie will know something and take afvance of it. Hope Tina cantake care of herself. Got to remember that Tina and Bette hasn’t made love in a week. Hope tina can keep her Liblo in check. Bette will kick Jodie a%%.

    12. Auch… drama coming on! This little pill thing is not good! I don’t trust Jodie with a naked Tina (Well, I don’t trust myself with a naked Tina but this is not the case!)Dear Bette, leave everything behind or we are going to be crying for the next chapters. And you Cls, keep writing! I support you too! PPS

    13. cls, it is late and I have a few chores to do before I read this story. First of all thank you for careing weather I read or not. I will always try, if for some reason I can’t stant it I will just tell you that I will try again with the next story. Thank you for sticking it out, I know it’s hard when reactions are not uplifting. Good work. Md

    14. Holy bat shit cls, Tina is under the shelter of Bettes little helper, Bette is playing wonder woman to pipes she can’t do anything about and Jodi is molding a diabolical scheem to overtake Miss Tina. Warning,Warning,Warning, you have to many readers that can’t wait for more. Thank you, Md

    15. I don’t feel good about this tranquilizer that Tina took, I hope Jodie will not take advantage of that. It really took a lot of Bette to let Tina go, and I am proud of her but If she was my woman I wouldn’t let her do nudity in front of anyone, let alone that bitch, but that’s just me. Thanks C, you are great and your stories are always daring and you take the path that no body else thought of taking. I wish you all the best. Post soon. Love

    16. Hee hee…you rock the “warnings”… I don’t know what to do with mysefl right now (ok..sounded a little bad;)…but what a great update..loving this story but Im feeling woozy now with the thought of where you might be taking this story…please let me be wrong (never thought I would utter those words ever:)…Nice on cls…PPS CANTW AIT BABE!!

    17. Well, well, looks like you’ve got some trouble brewing already. I predict some sort of ROOFY type thing going on and it is gonna create major havoc. I also know you are a Tibette maniac so it should all work out in the end. I guess what I’m saying is…hurry up and post the rest!! :x)

    18. Hi, CLS! *waving with enthusiasm* This is getting more interesting with the twisted Jodie ingredient. It was good to see how Alice did calm Bette’s own insecurities. You made us smile there. As for Tina’s dizzyness, after taking that pill, hmmm. That seems like a great opportunity for Jodie to take advantage of the situation. Yep. We foresee some trouble in paradise. Keep this coming. We are enjoying it very much. PPS Hugs and kisses on both your cheeks. Lucero & Marsha (JC’s Salsa Aunties)

    19. I have to agree that this whole set up has bad news written all over it. I really hope Tina can handle herself and Jodie and that she won’t need rescuing. But if it’s Bette to the rescue then OK. Thanks for posting!

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