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    Chapter 5

    Jodie was making some last minute adjustments to the camera angles when she arrived. "Tina, you’re early. Great! Be a dear and sit on your mark over there on the floor so I can take some light readings. Yeah, right there," she said all business.

    Tina relaxed visibly when confronted by Jodie’s professional demeanor. "Right here?" she asked peering through the bright lights. She didn’t know what to expect when she arrived but seeing that Jodie focused intently on her work, every inch the professional, made Tina sigh audibly in relief.

    "Mmm hmm," Jodie murmured distracted. "Yeah that’s fine."

    Tina sat down on a stiff mat that was placed centrally in the room surrounded by a multitude of lights and cameras, all shapes and sizes. This wasn’t much different from the movie sets she worked on so surprisingly, she felt quite comfortable. "Maybe this wouldn’t be so nerve-racking after all?" she thought.

    "Where’s Bette?" Jodie asked looking around suddenly.

    "She had an emergency at the Gallery that mshe had to deal with so she isn’t joining us," Tina said haltingly a little uneasy giving Jodie the upper hand.

    Jodie’s back was to Tina who didn’t see the slight smile that crossed her lips, "Oh well, it’s probably better that you were able to come alone. I wouldn’t want you distracted by Bette’s obvious charms. She’s a very beautiful woman. It must be hard to keep her all to yourself."

    "Hard? No, we’re committed to each other. How is that hard?" Tina asked confused.

    "Doesn’t it get a little boring sometimes? Maybe you need some new…. playmates to liven things up a little." Jodie suggested with her back to Tina.

    "No thanks, we have each other and believe me, we play just fine," Tina said slightly perturbed waiting for Jodie’s next instructions.

    "Interesting," Jodie bristled but Tina felt sure that despite what she said, Jodie didn’t find anything about monogamy interesting.


    On the other side of town, Bette was busy giving clear and concise instructions to the security people and James, trying to calm them all down. "This is really minor people, just relax. James, check with the city supervisor and see when they hope to have this fixed. The rest of you just stay by the doors until we can get the system reinitialized. Nobody in or out without my say so. We should have this settled soon," she said hopefully, running her fingers through her hair.

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    1. Hello there… HOLY SHIT… T just gone get herself a double or is that triple dose of something to calm her nerves that is going to definitely send this whole thing into motion… Jodie definitely has Tina in the most compromising and intimate situation and if and when she starts to ‘see’ things well it will be a little fun to see Jodie play off being Bette and the remote camera is going to cause some trouble… cause if Bette walks in while they are doing some nasty nasty… T is going to be hard pressed to find her very forgiving… she already knows Bette is jealous and her trust level is at an all time low… so yeah T is going to have a huge pile to dig herself out of and well Bette might just see some court and jail time after she thrashes Jodie and let us hope that rage is only limited to that one person cause well if she turns on T then thats a whole other ball of wax… yes I challenged you… you up for it LOL… holy wow keep on rocking it out and reading palms is only the start of things my friend… you rock and roll this one out there… love and hugs, JC (Latin Nephew to those Salsa Angels)

    2. Oh, my Gosh! CLS, you just unveiled the true intentions of the wiked witch of West Hollywood; aka, Jodie. Hahaha Now, let’s see if Bette might be able to arrive on time and have a cat fight to rescue Tina. Wow! This is getting more interesting, dear friend. Can’t wait to your next update. PPS Big hugs & kisses on both your cheeks. Lucero & Marsha (JC’s Salsa Aunties)

    3. OMG, please don’t let Jodi do this to Tina, let something distract her for the moment while giving Bette time to get to her rescue. then let Bette kick Jodi’s a– until she can’t see her again then, file charges of rape, and whatever else they can come up with. Before Bette gets there, I hope Tina realizes what is about to happen so she can try to defend herself and get that animal off her before anything happens.I hope Bette kills the bit-h Jodi. Now my rant is over. Just please let Bette get to Tina before anything happens. Jodi is such a filthy snake in the grass. Great chapter btw. PPS

    4. Hey CLS, I am just catching up on your delicious drama. You really capture the heat and lust between Bette and Tina. I loved the caring and nurturing introduction to this tortured tale. Events have really swung into action as Jodi goes all out for Tina. Drugging Tina for sexual pleasure is a real heinous thing to do. I am really tore because part of me wants this story to play out with Jodi raping Tina. This would create a real sense of loss between Bette and Tina as they try to recover from it. This has the potential to show how deep their love is and how everyone can overcome tragic instances in their lives. The other half of me wants Bette to arrive like the shining knight in white armor, ready and able to defend her true love against this daemon. No matter which way this all plays out, I will be here, ready and waiting to read your next chapter. Sometime the most terrible times of your life also show you the best times and bring out the best in those around you. Thank you for pushing the boundaries and the courage to follow through. Your Loyal Fan.

    5. wow – bette better gets there fast. hope she realizes that tina would never do something like that consciously!i`m very much looking forward to your next chapter to see where you take us with this wonderful story! thanks.

    6. Now I know you have a death wish!!! Pure…unabashed evil you are!!! You got a pair CLS you GOT a HUGE PAIR!!! ha ha At least we know what the warnings were about……. :)) I hope sooner than later!! No rush…take your sweet loving time!!! LOVE!!

    7. Hello Again… I don’t know… I think that if Tina does get ‘Raped’ by Jodie I don’t think it will be that easy to repair there relationship… this violation will tear Bette apart… not that Tina won’t suffer… but she chose not to listen to the concerns of the woman she claimed to love… in order to prove she was a capable adult… the blame for Tina might be placed completely on Bette as she was the one who gave her the first batch of drugs to ease her… she doesn’t realize that Jodie drugged her… and in her paranoia she can just as easily turn and push all the blame on Bette… and if that were to happen… then I don’t think Bette could ever forgive Tina for her mistrust… I think that while it is possible for them to repair… this situation and how far it goes will determine what becomes of this seemingly blessed couple… cause without trust you have nothing… hugs, JC (Latin Nephew to those Salsa Angels)

    8. Cls- what the f***??? I remembered to breathe nut now I’m dumbfounded. I knew Jodie was up to something but who knew she could bethis evil. And if she suceeds Tina will never forgive herself. And poor Bette :-( she’ll wind up in jail for murder charges. I guess the only bright spot here is that Tina can get so aroused just by thinking of her dearest love. But I don’t ifvtgat be enough of avsavibg grace fir Bette to deal with this. PPS! My mind is running at 90 mph with what I think is going to happen. Phew….all done ;-) now breathe!

    9. CLS you continue to amaze me! I am reading the chapter and Jodie just becomes a darker and darker character. The insight into her confusion about the depth of a connection between a couple in love was sheer genius and truly adds to our understanding of her character. She is hopelessly lost in a world filled with only the temporary – she apparently fails to realize the power of love and its ability to move mountains. I am frightened for Tina and Bette. I truly want Bette to rescue her from the fate you have woven but at the same time, I want Bette to overcome her fear and mistrust of Tina — I just don’t know how to reconcile the two. You are ever the mistress of prose…and I am but a humble reader. More soon, please!

    10. I think it would be wonderful for Bette to be able to take in the situation and trust Tina enough to find out what’s going on before running our on Tina, because she really needs her right now. That is just the most awful thing that Jodie’s doing, and I really hope for the sake of B&T that Bette can find it in herself to risk everything to save her poor defenseless Tina. Can you say damsel in distress? Haha, excellent chapter, and I’m sooo looking forward to the next chapter. In fact, you’ve inspired me to post again. lol. Thanks for posting! PPS

    11. OH…MY…F*CKEN GOD…woman…that was intense…and I am at a loss for words just trying to envision what your next chapter is going to be. Shit I need a cigarette…the stress has taken… have brought the devil into B&T life…Bette better get that bitch outta there…Hell I’ll bitch slap for them both..Well done..and you beta post soon;)

    12. Oh I knew this was going to be bad, but Jodie is horrible. She can’t even play fair. She had to drug Tina. How awful! I hope Bette hurries or Tina snaps out of her trance. Thanks for posting.

    13. You have painted Jodi PERFECTLY!!!!! A true A$$ who fills the life of her own and others with smoke and mirrors. I’m not sure if Bette can get there in time, or perhaps Tina can snap out of it and look down to see just what is going to happen. MY GOODNESS, YOU HAVE JUST FLOORED US!!!!! Excellent job! I had to laugh at your scoobyisms comment, glad Andie could help, she’s a sweetie. As for the “Mistress” … GRRRRR. LOL! Awaiting your next chapter IM-patiently. ;)

    14. Wow that was something, Jodie is a evil person and thinks that she can get whatever she wants and that the world revolves around her. Please let Bette be there on time, and save Tina from that snake. Can’t wait for the next chapter, truly this story is so exciting and full of surprises. Thanks C, post soooooooooooooooooooooooooooon. Love

    15. arrrrrrrrrrrr jofie the fucker i hope bette will kill her!!!!!!!!! and i hope jodie will be distracted by something or someone and that will give bette time to save her princess. cls ur awsome i need a drink after that, hell i need sex just to relax from my stress. ppvsssssss

    16. Aww s**t I hope that Bette realises that Tina is an unwilling participant if she stands for a minute adn listens to the conversation she’ll know. Poor Tina, I hope snaps out of it and tries to fight Jodi off just as Bette comes through the door. PS

    17. what a bitch Jodie is….she is just jealous of the love these two have for each other. I hope Bette gets there..maybe Tina will throw up on Jodie’s head. Grrrr…please post very soon.

    18. Oh man… this is not good. Not good at all. It’s hard to take that anyone would do such a thing, but it does happen. Maybe Tina can come to a bit… her inhibitions might be affected, but at core I certainly don’t think she wants to cheat on Bette. I’m just hoping Bette gets there in time. And when she does get there, I hope she kicks Jodi’s ass. Post soon.

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