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    Bette watched Tina’s face and saw the sheen of sweat that broke out across her skin. She watched her pupils grow large as her orgasm built. She watched Tina’s struggle to keep her eyes locked on her face. She watched her jaw drop as she tried to suck in a lungful of air. Then she watched her face light up as she climaxed. Her mouth closing slowly and her face breaking into a soft smile as her breathing returned to normal.


    Bette climbed back onto the bed and pulled Tina close as Tina draped herself over Bette. "I love you T," Bette said uncertain of the response she would receive.

    "I know Bette, I love you too. You’re right; she can’t take that away from us. I want you to know that I have no memory of her touching me Bette. I’m actually grateful for that."

    "Do you think you’re ready to call the police?" Bette asked.

    "The police? I don’t know what they could really do in this situation," Tina surmised.

    "Well I can tell them how I drugged you and what we know happened after that," Bette explained.

    "What proof do we have?"

    "She confessed T, she even seemed happy about it. If you hadn’t been so out of it….I think I would have killed her Tina. There was a moment there when I could have done it," Bette whispered.

    "Then what good would you be to me if you were in prison?" Tina reasoned. "Jodie will get what’s coming to her Bette, of that I’m sure but not at the risk of endangering our future together. You mean more to me then revenge. I don’t think the Police would be much help in this instance."

    "Some hero I turned out to be, huh?" Bette said tearfully again.

    "Bette, even Wonder Woman can’t be everywhere. Your instincts about Jodie were solid and I should have heeded them. I just thought you were over reacting a tad. I had no idea someone could be so vile," Tina said shuddering.

    "I didn’t credit her as being this self-serving either. I think she wanted a picture of you climaxing all along. I’m sure she intended to sculpt your image adding that private frozen moment."

    "Well she never would have gotten it if I hadn’t reacted to the tranquilizer so radically. You know, I’m sure I’ve taken them before and never had a bad reaction," Tina said thoughtfully.

    "I just know I will never forgive myself for that," Bette said softly.

    Tina gently kissed Bette’s lips, "There is nothing to forgive love. I know you didn’t do it on purpose. Hell, I’m the one that agreed and got myself into the mess in the first place. Don’t blame yourself, blame Jodie."

    Bette burst into tears again, when she heard Tina’s words, part of her had been fearful that Tina would hold her responsible. "Thank you for still believing in me," Bette said.

    "I believe in us. Nothing can touch us Bette, you’re in here now," she said touching the area over her heart.

    Bette laid her hand over Tina’s heart, "Where I belong."





    1. As always, cls you never disappoint. Great chapter!!! Bette, you take care of our Tina, and we will go kill Jodie for you. Don’t worry, it will be a very slow and painful death for that bitch!!!

    2. Hey you… ummmm that offer is still very valid… OMFG that was freaking intense… the emotions between Bette and Tina were so freaking real… but I fear that when the dust settles they will realize it isn’t quite so cut and paste… they will be dealing with this for a long time… Rape and being an accomplice to such an act even involuntary will haunt them for a long long time… it is hard to get clean from that… and Jodie… oh god why didn’t Bette just go fucking ape shit and wail on her ass… take that computer and just smack her upside the head until she the entire room was seeing red… you completely freaking rocked this out… putting my cape on and standing guard… remember people you have been warned :O… hugs, JC (Latin Nephew to those Salsa Angels)

    3. I like to think I’m not violent, I really do, but honestly, all I could think about was how I would love for someone (Bette? Tina? Some masked avenger?) to break Jodi’s bloody hands so she won’t be able to sculpt anything ever again, not of Tina, not of anyone. And that cow has the whole thing recorded… who’s gonna get the tapes of it? I hope the police, so they can throw Jodi in jail, even though prison is far too good for her at this point. I hope there’s some resolution to this… Ugh. Please let there be some sort of (somewhat satisfactory) resolution. Thanks for the post.

    4. Hello Again… I’m back… and to answer your question… ummmm no I have nothing better to do then to read and re-read this amazing story… then go and check a couple others and then refresh to see if there is another one … and then cry cause you haven’t updated yet and then realize I’m wearing a cape and stop crying cause superheroes don’t cry and then stand tall watching for the ‘evil’ doers LMAO… JC

    5. For those who are rating based on content, stop. Rate a story based on the level of writing, not on whether or not you like the content. That is not fair to the writer. There have been plenty of stories that I did not like the content, but it was well written and I graded according to skill. If you cannot grade fairly then don’t grade the story.

    6. Props to you ‘ BnTPorter’ props to you… it is really disheartening to see this kind of tact… but pfffttt we all now that cls is strong and will strive through this… but thank you for this, hugs, JC (Latin Nephew to those Salsa Angels)

    7. HMMMMMMMMMM …. Tina made two statements to Bette. 1)the coffee was TERRIBLE. 2)she NEVER had a reaction like that before. these to need to figure out what Jodie has done … I can’t stand the thought of Bette blaming herself. the evil one must be destroyed!!! PPS :)

    8. That was amazing and heart breaking too, and I hope that bitch will get hers, I can’t wait for her to pay for what she did. You were brilliant C, and I love this story everyday you post a little more. Post soon dear. Love

    9. cls, pay no attention to the stars. You have warned and warned and warned again about the content of this story. Those who failed to heed the warning should not take their displeasure should not, in good conscience, be rating this story when it was their own decision to ignore the warnings. I thought it was well written, and it’s an interesting story line. I’m sure it’s happened in real life to more women that we’d care to think about. Keep writing. And maybe you should turn off the ratings as many other great authors on this site have done. Just read the comments and ignore the flamers!

    10. arrrrrrrr im going to find my basball bat and fucking kill jodie!!!!!!!!!!! bette was so lovely to tina gosh i love them thogether!!!!! i hope bette will destroy jodie untill she couldnt to was she best “her art” maybe a car accident arrr im so fucking mad im going to find me a dring, hell i will take a double

    11. That was an amazing chapter, and very controversial! I loved it and you did really well handling the issue, although I would have gone to the police right away. This is a really great story, and although I would have loved to have seen at least a slap from Bette, she doesn’t seem to be an extremely violent person. She has a temper, but I couldn’t see her punching Jodie in the face. If that were me though, I can’t say I would have walked out like that. Especially after seeing Tina laying like that on the floor, completely defenseless … that was heartbreaking. Poor girls. Thanks again for posting, and I hope you don’t get too many people upset at you for talking about this kind of thing. It’s important to have freedom of speech. Can’t wait to see what happens to Jodie, because in my eyes, she doesn’t even deserve to live. PPS!

    12. I think it’s only fair that those who have rated this story 1 or 2 stars at the very least leave a comment so that those of use who think it is a 5 star story can understand why. If you don’t like the story; a) Don’t read it. b) Leave a relevant, tactful comment about the story, and why you don’t like it (not the author), or c) and this is my personal favorite, FUCK OFF.Rock on cls!

    13. CLS – You never cease to amaze me with your incredible talent! I was literally blown away by the raw emotion you were able to capture in this chapter between Bette and Tina. I certainly hope Jodie’s dark deeds are recognized at some point. Bette’s pain at having given Tina the tranquilizer is palpable. I hope that it doesn’t continue to haunt them in the future but I must admit to being a little worried given Bette’s tendency to obsess. On another note, I’m sorry this site continues to have immature and irresponsible raters among its readers. It is so disheartening to see adults behave so poorly — it wasn’t as if they did not have ample opportunity to choose not to read the story. Please know that the people who act in this manner really need some help…and in my book – what goes around, comes around. Hugs, East

    14. God? You soooo didn’t just call me that! LMAOO!!!! You are too funny. As for the ratings, I’ve been on the receiving end of seeing the rating system misused for reasons other than true chapter/story evaluation. It stinks, but just know that you just pulled off yet ANOTHER F I V E S T A R in my book! ;-)) *handing over the Mistress Tiara* Rock on girl. BTW, check your PM box.

    15. I want to thank everyone who has shown support to cls. This controversial chapter was tastefully and beautifully written with cls truly capturing the raw emotion of the moment. This chapter was not written lightly, a lot of thought and consideration went into it before being posted. Yes, it covers a sensitive topic, but it was handled delicately with the upmost respect to Tina and Bette. This was something that the author felt was an integral part of this story, and I personally support her decision. How long can an author write and keep the audience interested without some drama. Rape/sexual assault occurs daily. 1 in 6 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Another words, in the U.S. it’s happening every 2 minutes. CLS had the courage to take on a subject that is taboo to discuss in this society even though there are 272,350 victims annually with only 40% ever being reported. Again, her integrity remained unbreakable, as she has refused to concede with the minority. Those who gave this story 2 stars, shame on you. This is 5 star writing. CLS I am sorry that you are continually emendated with closed-minded immature readers. Keep writing whatever you want, I for one will be here waiting to read anything you post.

    16. CLS, you’re right, I did live through it. But you should have let Bette beat the living hell out of Jodie, she deserves all she can get from this. Bette is right, it was rape, and this just can’t be over. Jodie should be punished for this in some way. Tina is right the police would not help her at all since she already had a pill before going there. I wish there was some way for them to find out that Jodie druged Tina and then raped her. If Bette would just listen to what Tina told her they could have her blood analyzed for drug content and then they would know that it was done deliberately, then the bitch could be charged. Bette could then just ruin her reputation in the art world, and I would break her damned fingers, then she could paint with her toes and maybe that would be a novelty for her to be recognized in the art world. See how that goes over. Great chapter, even if I would like to kill Jodie. PPS

    17. Amazing writing, dear CLS! Claps are in order. You certainly made this story so realistic. Unfortunately, rape DOES exist and the way you are describing it, is very raw and unveils twisted people, with a feverish mind who destroy others lives. You’ve also got 5 stars rating on our board. Hugs and kisses on both your cheeks. PPS Lucero & Marsha (JC’s Salsa Aunties)

    18. Jodie is morally depraved and Tina needs to go to the police before Jodie rapes another victim. She obviously will stop at nothing to get what she wants & needs to be exposed before she commits another crime. Now, about these stars….unless Bette is going to beat on Jodie until she “sees stars” or f*ck Tina until she does….I’d disable the whole star rating feature. It’s over rated and can be misleading to readers on the site. It’s used as a guide to let readers know if a story is interesting or well written. Let me reassure you CLS, you are definately both. I say instead of stars we use emoticons. You know, little smiley faces for happy stories, little faces that turn into flames for really hot stories, a little skull & crossbones icon to WARN readers not to read if they’re uncomfortable with the subject matter**you could get a whole lot of use out of that one!!** and so on. Actually, from now on….that’s how I’ll rate your stories. I give this story 2 skull & crossbones, with 2 flames & 1 sad face. What do you think? LOL! PS.

    19. Sigh….. are you ducking!!! Great chapter C!!! Oh and in regards to the pair. I’ve been watching…look around you never know who or where I am!! he he This is a great story…really like it and look forward to reading more. Now if only we could get Mav going again!!!!!

    20. Hi CLS, You managed describe a real threat to Bette and Tina relationship and then have the strength of their love overcome it. Jodi did a despicable thing and blamed it on Bette. Bette very nearly lost it and did some serious damage to Jodi so it was a handy thing that Tina roused and was able to get Bette away. The shower scene was so powerful, firstly as Bette took care of her lover and then as Tina physically hurt herself to remove all traces of Jodi. Bette comforting Tina was awesome as they unite to destroy all effects of that day and move their relationship forwards. Can’t wait to read more of your wonderful writing. Please continue this must read story soon. Your Loyal Fan.

    21. get rid of the star rating… i did also years ago… well i’m back from L5.. what an experience… loved it all… jennifer, laurel, rachel and janian was fantastic… a weekend to remember forever… go and read all of the stories about it… now bette should think about what tina was telling her… the coffee/tea was terrable… she never had a reaction before… i think bette should go back and take all of the films… and make sure there are no more… jodie has to be stopped… maybe other girls have had a simular experience… bette should check with other girls who have posed for jodie… good job but please don’t let jodie get away with this… PPS… 5 STAR’S ALL THE WAY

    22. I hope they destroy the photos and find some way to punish Jodie for what she did. Maybe Tina will figure out that the tea wasn’t just tea. I’m glad they were able to pull together though to move on from Jodie. Thanks for posting!

    23. Wow honey, you have certinly portrayed a depth of lovc I don’t believe I have ever felt. I think I would have been all over the place and would have killed Jodie. Cls the last few chapters have been amazing, not that all your writing isn’t but WowZee you sure are shakeing it up. Thank you, Md

    24. hey…first of all i agree with chicki…take the rating off. take the power away from ones that may have an agenda. i refuse to believe that those ratings come from people who are reading this story on a continuing basis. i don’t think they should go to the police cause they don’t have proof. i do think they should go back to the studio and get those photographs though. jodie would have to do that sculpture from memory…and bette should get in at least one good punch.

    25. you did a fantastic job with this chapter. its a difficult topic but you handeld it wonderful. i love the connection bette and tina have – their love for each other is enviable. for jodi – I`m sure you will find a very appropriate solution for that bitch! keep up you great posts – I`m always looking forward to them. Thanks.

    26. wow!!!!I just got caught up, been very very busy. Thank u for the kind comment 3 chapters back. Now the story: U had me on the edge of my seat.Jodie needs dealing to… suppose she caused the trouble at Gallery that kept Bette occupied & out of the way. I trust u will sort all this out and get that devil Jodie to pay for her violation of Tina. What was the drug in that tea? Come on Bette, u r a smart woman, figure it out. Thank u for the entertainment, I was scared thru’out the Jodie/Tina scene. Looking 4ward to an update.

    27. I’m with Chicki. I disabled the stars for a similar reason. Some !!!! had nothing better to do then go through chapters of MELTDOWN messing with the stars. Fortunately, people commenting encouraged me to keep going when I was a very new insecure writer. As women we need to be supporting one another to put the stories out there. We don’t have to ‘like’ everything everyone writes but I support the right of an author to put it out there…to tell our stories. BRAVO, cls for coming back to us & continuing to entertain & enlighten us. U had me riveted, terrified for Tina, horrified that Jodie did such a thing, concerned that Bette would reject Tina…but so far u have resolved it perfectly with love & I await to see what comes. I have a mantra: we get what we deserve. Now I’ll wait to see what Jodie GETS. Write on and post soon.


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