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    Confusion Chapter 3

    Bette was sitting in a corner sipping her drink, listening to one of her friends expound the healing properties of chocolate."I’m telling you, what other substance on the face of the planet gives you such an immediate feeling of well being?" Alice was saying to her captive audience. "Huh?, huh? Am I right or am I right?" she said as she looked at them in turn. "Shane? Bette? Are you listening?" Both Shane and Bette had frozen with their drinks raised halfway to their mouths when they spotted the newcomer poised at the door. Like puppets on a string, they both turned theri heads towards Alice and said, "What?" then they looked at each other and back at Tina. "I saw her first." Shane said. "No you didn’t, I actually saw her first but," Bette didn’t get a chance to explain further because Shane was already rising from the table and making a beeline for Tina. Alice looked over at Bette surprised. "Aren’t you going compete?" "No not this time," said Bette with a secret smile. Alice looked back over at Shane. "Ahh Shane, when will she learn that she might be the Fonzie of the group, but your’re THE KING!. You know something about that woman don’t you?" Bette raised her glass towards Alice. "Thank you, thank you very much" . Alice responded dryly "Elvis has left the building." Bette laughed and continued to watch Shane approach Tina.

    Tina stepped up the bar and ordered a glass of house wine. "I’ll get that!" Shane said to the bartender when Tina made a move to pay. "Sure Shane no probelm, the bartender said knowingly as he winked at Shane" Tina watched the exchange curiously and turned to Shane looking over her leather pants and black tank top. "Thank you, but I’m sorry. Do I know you? I can’t seem to …" Tina trailed off. "Shane" she said pointing at herself. "and NO, you don’t know me yet but I’m hoping to change that this evening," Shane said softly into Tina’s ear. Tina blushed realizing immediately that she was being hit on,. "I think you have me confused with someone else. I’m not gay." Shane looked Tina up and down slowly, "Are you sure? I’m usually not wrong about these things", Shane smiled. Tina turned a deeper shade of red, if that was possible at this point. "Oh I’m quite sure. Let me reimburse you for the drink." Shane smiled, "No please it was my pleasure" She leaned in and looked Tina straight in the eye. "And it could still be yours if you change your mind. Have a good time." and then Shane moved off to talk with another woman across the room. Tina turned and leaned onto the bar, "Whew, what was that?"she wondered. Suddenly she felt a presence behind her. thinking that Shane had returned, she spun around quickly.


    1. Love this story and you are doing well with it. Can hardly wait for the gallery showing, Tina will be in for the ride of her young life. She just doesn’t know of Bette’s magical powers yet. PPS

    2. OMG! looooved this chappy,and how Bette was feeling on the drive to her house! Wouldnt doubt she had Melissa F.’s song “drive” playing in her head, hell i would!! thanks 4 posting,PPS!

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