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    Confusion Chapter 3

    "Whoa there,"

    "Bette?" Tina said. "I’m sorry I thought you were someone else" "Bette smiled at her. " Who were you expecting?" "Well you won’t beliieve this but I was just hit on by a woman. That’s her over there", she pointed at Shane. " I believe it, but what did you think was going to happen when you came in here?" Bette asked laughing. For the first time, Tina took a good look around. Women, the bar was almost completely filled with women. "This is a…". "Night club for women?" Bette finished for her. "A lesbian bar?" Tina squeaked out? "What was your first clue? Bette asked mock seriously."the shoes? It’s always the shoes," she continued to kid, lightly slapping her forehead. "I didn’t even notice, I just headed to the bar for a drink and tried to not make eye contact with anyone so I wouldn’t get hit on by some creepy guy" "And how’s that working for you?" Bette asked with a grin. "Not so good," Tina laughed as the shock wore off. "Shane was just being Shane but you should be flattered because she is very picky about the women she …dates," Bette finished diplomatically. "Do you want to sit down?" Bette motioned to a table that became available near them when it’s occupants departed. Tina nodded appreciatively. A waitress brought Bette a drink without being asked. "One of the perks of being related to the owner" she said with a shrug.. "Cheers" she said and tipped her glass to Tina. "Cheers" Tina returned with a smile. "So why are you here Bette, are you meeting Kit?" Tina asked as she took another sip of her wine. "No actually I was just winding down with my friends over in the corner when I saw you come in" Bette said.

    " Hi Bette" a tall red head cooed as she stopped by their table. She was followed by a short blonde. " Hi April, how are you?" Bette responded with a tight smile. April pouted, "Well I would be a lot better if you’d call. Have you lost my number?" "No, I didn’t lose it" Bette said pointedly to the red head. "Then why haven’t you called?" April asked. "I told you", April’s companion said. "She doesn’t WANT to call you, will you stop humiliating youself? Come on April, let’s dance," the blonde said as she tugged April away. Tina was sitting with her jaw open.and stammered "You’re not just here to wind down are you?" You’re here because you’re a lesbian?" " "Card carrying" Bette said. Tina thought back to the conversation they had the first time they met. "Sorry, they’re just not my type." "The day we met you said, "Sorry, they’re just not my type.". I get it now. Wow!" Bette raised her eyebrows. "Does it matter? Do you have some prejudice? Are you afraid to sit with me because now everyone here thinks you’re gay too? Are you ashamed to be seen with a lesbian?" Tina looked at Bette incrediously, "No of course not. I’m just surprised that’s all. I mean Phillip said you dated…" "Yes, we did Freshman year in college for a couple of months. I guess I was still confused about my sexual orientation to a certain extent and experimented a litttle but I quickly realized the error of my ways." she finished ominously and smiled. " I was never comfortable in a relationship with a man. I guess I always knew it but I needed to experience it to know for sure. Probably not the best road to self exploration but it worked for me." Bette finished. Tina listened to the stunning woman in front of her. Drawn by her words and fascinated by her gestures, never having had a female friend she thought, "This must be what it’s like to have a girl for a friend. It’s nice, I can be mysel"f, which was a welcome change from the "ego stroking" she usually had to do..


    1. Love this story and you are doing well with it. Can hardly wait for the gallery showing, Tina will be in for the ride of her young life. She just doesn’t know of Bette’s magical powers yet. PPS

    2. OMG! looooved this chappy,and how Bette was feeling on the drive to her house! Wouldnt doubt she had Melissa F.’s song “drive” playing in her head, hell i would!! thanks 4 posting,PPS!

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