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    Confusion Chapter 4

        She looked over to where Jodie, her newly signed artist was captivating a small group of people and smiled. It had been worth the extra trouble to sign her. Suddenly, the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention and she turned around. Walking towards her, confident as any runway model, was a vision in black. Tina was walking slowly towards Bette with a radiant smile on her face. She didn’t look left or right, her eyes remained glued on Bette who returned her smile. Bette said to herself, "I can live with just dreams of her if this is my reality" Greeting Tina warmly she kissed her on the cheek. "You look absolutely amazing" Bette said appreciatively. Tina squeezed Bette’s hand. "I hope I’m not too late, I knew you would be busy earlier and I didn’t want to monopolize your time." "That was very considerate of you, yes it was incredibly hectic for the first while. We had a few catering wrinkles I had to iron out and one of the Artists fainted when she was introduced but everything is running smoothly now. Would you like a tour?" Bette asked smiling. "Lead on, I’m all yours" Tina said looking deep into her eyes. Bette caught her breath and then taking Tina by the hand led her away. They walked and talked, looking over the exhibit with Bette holding Tina’s hand and elbow, keeping her plastered to her side as they moved throughout the exhibits. Tina found it hard to concentrate on her surroundings in such close proximity of Bette. This is charisma, she thought to herself. It wasn’t lost on her just how many people were affected by Bette’s presence, from the stammering waiters to her Gallery partners. More than one of the Artists looked at her with something akin to worship when she introduced them in turn to Tina. Only one self-assured sculptress seemed immune to Bette’s charm.

         "Bette, everything is going swimingly. Don’t you agree? a short brunette said as she swept up to them. "Yes, Jodie may I introduce you to Tina Kennard. Tina this is Jodie, the wonderfully talented sculpter that created the piece you were admiring, Eternal Love." Jodie bowed her head in acknowledgement, "Just Jodie? Like in just Madonna?" Tina asked teasingly. .The corners of Jodies mouth quirked in amusement as she looked Tina up and down liking what she saw. "A sense of humour, I like that" She turned to Bette." I want a meeting in a few weeks for the Fall show we discussed." Bette nodded, "Yes, I’ll get James to set that up with you. I’d like to get on it while the showing is still on everyone’s mind. Now if you will excuse us I want to get Tina some food" and she turned away from Jodie, ushering Tina toward the h’ordeurves. "Bette, incase I forget to tell you later, this has been wonderful and I thank you for letting me share it with you. You have every right to be proud of your accomplishment here and I am glad to see that you are appreciated by your peers" Tina frowned as she watched yet another waitress winking at Bette. "What’s wrong? Bette asked seeing the change come over Tina. "That waitress keeps flirting with you and she isn’t the first one."Tina said sternly. "So? Bette responded, confused by Tina’s response. "Well she doesn’t know that I’m not WITH you? How can she be so obvious like that?" Tina asked getting angry. Bette, cheered inwardly by Tina’s show of possesiveness, said, "Leave it to me." and walked over to the girl who beamed at the sudden attention. Tina saw the exact moment when Bette burst her bubble because the girl’s face fell and then she looked around Bette and shrugging, moved off. Bette walked back with a smile. "All done" "What did you say to her?" asked Tina, "I told her to stop winking at me because my girlfriend was the jealous type and I didn’t know what she might do in a jealous rage" Tina laughed and slapped her arm, "You didn’t!" " No I didn’t, I just told her I wasn’t interested." Bette said but she was thinking how nice it would have been to claim Tina as her own. Tina was thinking the same thing. She grew warm at Bette’s words. Girl friend? Well I guess they were GIRL.. friends. Grabbing Bette’s hand and eldow this time she said, "Well come on GIRLFRIEND, I want to see the rest of the exhibit."

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    1. Wow! Fantastic chapter! I love the interplay between these two. The flirting scene made me squirm with anticipation of what will undoubtedly happen in the future. Tina is such a goner! I wonder who will wake up first??? Can’t wait for your next post…

    2. This is great. Both times Tina was saved by a yawn. Bette does remember that Tina is naked under the blankets right? I would so not get any sleep. It will be interesting to see what happens when Tina wakes up. Can’t wait for the next update.

    3. ”didn’t acknowledge it one way of the other. I apologize for not being brave enough to tackle the subject” – – cls, you never need to apologize to us – its your story. And the Jodi character didn’t become an artist (her link to Bette) by being deaf, so her deafness is not crucial to the story. Feel free to write what you feel comfortable writing. And btw, thank you for writing this story!

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