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    Confusion Chapter 4

         They walked around laughing, talking discussing what they felt about the various pieces and when the majority of the people cleared out. Bette offered her a ride home. "I’m having such fun I hate for the night to end, Tina said smiling. "Well we could go back to my place and talk some more if you want. I’m off tomorrow". Tina was happy to agree, her job allowed her to have weekends off as well so the night was still young.

         When they arrived, Bette threw her keys on her table and headed into the Kitchen for some wine and a couple of glasses. "I hope white is okay with you?" she called out. "Do you want to go for a swim? Or just sit by the pool?" "Swim?" Tina said. "I’m a bit overdressed, don’t you think?" Bette returned with the wine, corkscrew and glasses. I”ve got extra suits dumb ass" she said good naturedly. Tina grinned, "A swim would be nice. Can I shower first and get all of this make up off?" "Sure," Bette said, "Here take this out through there to the pool and I’ll get some things together for you. I’m going to change while I’m in here" Bette said over her shoulder. "Make yourself at home." Tina went through the doors Bette indicated, divested herself of the armload she carried on the nearby patio table and then admired the back yard layout and inground pool. Sitting down on one of the many comforatble chairs, Tina opened the wine. She was just filling the glasses when Bette returned looking stunning in a jet black bikini. She looked up when Bette spoke and almost spilled the wine. Unaware of Tina’s shaken composure Bette said, "Okay, I left everything you need on the bed, feel free to use any of the bath products in there. I brought out towels and a couple of wraps for when we get out of the pool." "Thanks, you thought of everything, I’ll be back in a minute." Tina said making her escape before Bette noticed her starring. She quickly headed to Bette’s bedroom. "Wow she really knows how to fill out a bikini!" she thought to herself, the image buirned into her retina’s. Inside, her eyes were immediately drawn to the bed. "So that’s where she sleeps?" she said outloud as though it was the first time she had ever seen a bed. She went over and picked up one of the many pillows and buried her face in it, breathing in Bette’s scent. She shook herself, wondering about her own strange behaviour and quickly showered. Her "friend" would kick her out if she continued in this manner, wouldn’t she? For the first time she wondered if Bette found her at all attractive? "I wonder what her type is?" she thought as she reached for the string bikini Bette had left for her on the bed. Her suit left even less to the imagination then Bette’s, if that was possible and wondered if Bette had chosen this one purposely? "Had she ever worn this herself?" Tina wondered as she pulled the scrap of material that passed for the bottom up over her center. Was her sex touching the same material that had touched Bette’s? She grew moist just thinking about it. Snapping to attention she put on the top and headed back out to the pool. She needed a cool dip badly.

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    1. Wow! Fantastic chapter! I love the interplay between these two. The flirting scene made me squirm with anticipation of what will undoubtedly happen in the future. Tina is such a goner! I wonder who will wake up first??? Can’t wait for your next post…

    2. This is great. Both times Tina was saved by a yawn. Bette does remember that Tina is naked under the blankets right? I would so not get any sleep. It will be interesting to see what happens when Tina wakes up. Can’t wait for the next update.

    3. ”didn’t acknowledge it one way of the other. I apologize for not being brave enough to tackle the subject” – – cls, you never need to apologize to us – its your story. And the Jodi character didn’t become an artist (her link to Bette) by being deaf, so her deafness is not crucial to the story. Feel free to write what you feel comfortable writing. And btw, thank you for writing this story!

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