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    Confusion Chapter 4

         Bette had chosen Tina’s bikini purposely. She knew it would look spectacular on her and that it was incredibly revealing but hey, she could look couldn’t she?. She had brought their glasses and the bottle poolside within easy reach and slipped into the water to wait. It wasn’t long before Tina appeared looking a little self conscious and joked. "I couldn’t find the bathing suit you left out for me so I had to settle for these two bandaids and a cork" as she entered the pool to sit across from Bette. Bette snorted, "Sorry, I bought that one when I was at Cannes last year and it’s the only new one I have.. "You never wore it before?" Tina asked.. "No never" Bette assured her thinking Tina was concerned over hygiene. "Oh" Tina said disappointed and reached for her wine. Replacing her glass she submerged herself under water and did a few laps to loosen up. Bette remained where she was and simply watched the water nymph swim all the while thinking to herself. "This is a bad idea, a very bad idea!" Bette sunk under water and watched Tina’s body from below while she moved across the pool smoothly. Tina made a last lap and came back to get another sip of her wine beside Bette in the shallow end. "Feel better?" Bette asked. watching the water drip off Tina’s nose. "Yes, this is wonderful. "You’re lucky to have this" she said waving her hand encompasing her surroundings. Bette just smiled and nodded controlling the urge to lean over and lick the drop of moisture that was slowly sliding down between Tina’s ample cleavage. Tina realized Bette was starring at her chest, then blurted out, "Do you find me attractive?" Startled Bette’s eyes flew back up to Tina’s. "Huh? Attractive? Of course I find you attractive, what’s not to like?" Bette said with a devilish smile. Tina looked at Bette seriously, "No I mean, I was wondering what type of woman you found attractive? You don’t have to answer I’m just curious. You’re so incredible I was just trying to picture your perfect match and how anyone could possibly hold a candle to you." "You flatter me too much Tina", Bette said pouring more wine. "I’m just like most women, I put my mascara on with my mouth open" she joked and Tina giggled.  "What kind of man do you find attractive?" Bette threw back at her. Tina bit down on her bottom lip thinking, "I never really thought about it before but I seem to end up flitting from one to another. I honestly can’t remember what they look like let alone their names because they are all the same to me. That sounds pretty shallow doesn’t it?" Tina said sipping her wine. "It doesn’t sound very fullfilling," Bette said "but I’m not much better. I remember names though", Bette said with a laugh elbowing Tina in the side lightly, then said seriously "But I haven’t found anyone that I’d like to have a long term relationship with," (until now) she thought to herself. By mutual decision they picked up their glasses and made their way out of the pool to the loungers. Bette watched while Tina towelled off, noting that her nipples had pebbled beneath the snatch of material covering them and then sighed disappointedly when Tina covered herself in the wrap. Bette went indoors and grabbed another bottle of wine and some thick comforters for added warnth. They turned their chairs side by side but in opposite directions so they could face each other while they talked and Tina continued, "I think I like the physical strength of a man, when I’m with him. The brief feeling of being dominated, seems to be a turn on for me" Bette was listening attentively, "So you like your partner to be the agressor when you make love?" Tina was shaking her head slowly, "I don’t use the words making love, that seems to be an ideal I carry around in my head that I haven’t explored yet, I just like to be fucked" she said crudely and Bette winced but let her continue, "I remember my first boy friend, walking with me down the street holding my hand. I was thinking to myself that his hand was sweaty and rough and I wished he would just let go of me but he seemed to like it and every other couple was doing it so I did too. We dated for a few weeks, kissing in the back of the school bus, going to movies and then he got up the nerve to finally cop a feel." Tina smiled at Bette. "I remember being turned on because he was touching my breasts. That was the first time I recognized the sexual side of myself. One time I was alone with him on a picnic in the country and things went a little too far. He managed to get my shirt and bra off and I can remember being curious about what was happening but not really participating." Bette looked at her for an explanation, "What do you mean?" "Well here we were alone and I was naked for all intents and purposes and i just kept gadging his reaction, noticing that he was getting more and more excited from touching me. He kept bouncing around from my boobs to my crotch but I wasn’t really feeling anything more then curiosity. Then he pulled down his pants and pulled out this huge penis, at least it seemed huge to my virgin eyes. I knew instinctively that he wanted me to touch him so I stroked him a little and kissed the head but I didn’t really know what I was doing. Then he spun around and positioned himself to fuck me but the last moment. I told him it was okay but he said I deserved better and that we should wait so we got dressed and left. For me it was strictly another lesson in SEX 101 but I realized that for him it would have meant something. more and I respected him for stopping when he did. I also realized he felt more for me then I did for him so I broke up with him. He must have thought it was so weird to have me lying willing under him one day and wanting to brreak up the next but I couldn’t explain it to him then and it wasn’t until years later that II understood my behaviour. I had been excited at the thought of sex but not by the participant. He was lucky I did what I did because I would have dropped him as soon as I was bored with him. I actually saved him a load of heartache I think". Tina laughed. "That sounds conceited, I know but that is what happened with the rest of them" I finally dated this guy that, screwed me after a movie and I was left wondering what the fuss was about? This was easy, I had all of the control. You just had to flatter a man a little, talk dirty to them during sex, moan and groan a bit and they would cum" "Didn’t you get any pleasure out of it? You make it sound all one side and clinical, " Bette said. "Don’t get me wrong, there were some guys that cared whether I climaxed, but I found that they were very mechanical about how they went about things. Some would just dive in between my legs like they got dropped onto a giant icecream cone and lick and suck crazily thinking this was turning me on" Tina said. "They were either rubbing too hard or too soft and I soon preferred to just get it over with. Occasionally, someone would hit my G-Spot which was nice but for the most part, my experiences have been unfullfilling and meaningless.. What about you? What’s it like fucking a woman" Tina asked accepting more wine from Bette. "Making love" Bette emphasized, " with another woman is very hard to describe if you haven’t experienced it first hand. I don’t think I can explain it with words so you can really understand. I’ve been with men in the past so I understand to a certain extent when you described your experiences but since you haven’t been with a woman before, it would be difficult to describe what I feel" Bette said honestly. "Try" Tina said engrossed with the conversation. Bette lowered her head for a minute thinking, "For me it is a give and take situation. How I feel is entwined with what my partner is feeling. I’m more aroused knowing I am giving her pleasure. When I touch her I like knowing that she is aroused because it is me touching her. She’s right there with me sharing the experience, it is very…spiritual, for lack of a better word." Bette finished. "It sounds very .nice" Tina said softly. They were both quiet for a moment. Then Bette stood and walked around the yard. Tina soon followed coming up beside her with her blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Tina put her hand on Bette’s arm. "Is this the way it is between friends? I feel like I can tell you anything I’m so comfortable with you, like we were meant to be….friends,": she finished cowardly. Bette felt her skin tingle where Tina’s hand lay. "Is that all we can be? Friends?" Bette asked looking into her wine glass. "Because I should warn you that I might make a pass at you from time to time." Tina took another sip of her wine feeling a shiver go down her spine. "A pass, what exactly does a pass entail from a lesbian?" Bette turned to look at Tina warming to her subject. " Well a pass can be something very subtle like whispering in your ear," she said as she leaned forward and did so. "Or running a hand down your back to your waist" she demonstrated reaching under the blanket thrown over Tina’s shoulders. Tina visibly shivered again and dropped the blanket. "What would a not so subtle pass be?" Tina asked bravely wondering if it was only the wine that was making her head spin. She couldn’t recall ever feeling so vulnerable with another human being. Bette grinned, "Well it is usually something that catches you off guard" She moved closer to Tina and slipped behind her, pressing her body up hard against her back, whispering in her ear again. She clasped Tina’s hips with her hands and pulled her gently back against her, feeling Tina lean back as well. "We will take any and every opportunity to press ourselves against you, hoping to fondle your breasts," Bette confessed softly as she slowly slid her hands up Tina’s abdomen getting closer and closer to her objective. Tina couldn’t breathe. Bette whispered, "We are also never offended if we get our hands slapped away at the last moment" giving Tina a chance to stop her. Tina felt as though a charge ran up through her body ending at her nipples as she waited for the feel of Bette’s hands. Her entire back was aflame. Bette raised her hands slowly but lifted them as they approached their target and hovered a hairs width away. "If you want me to touch you, ‘you’ll have to make the first move" Bette whispered in her ear, blowing softly. Tina arched her back a bit more but didn’t move forward towards the waiting hands. Bette waited a moment longer then dropped her hands and stepped back. Tina felt lost for a second without the comforting presence pressed behind her. Awkwardly, she laughed, "So that is a not so subtle pass. I’ll have to remember that. Thanks for the lesson." Bette was disappointed in the result but she knew she had won the battle. Tina might not fully comprehend it yet but she was definitely not straight. Bisexual maybe, but her reactions showed she was not immune to a woman’s touch. Tina had had time to compose herself. "I’m sorry Bette, obviously I feel something for you but I don’t know how to handle it." "You’re not ready," Bette said simply. "No harm is done, if you want we can just be friends". Tina looked at her with a troubled look on her face and asked doubtfully. " "Can we?" Bette picked up the two empty wine bottles. "Look I won’t deny I am incredibly attracted to you. In fact, I have spent considerable time contemplating our situation". "You have?" Tina asked incrediously. "Yes, I even dream about you" Bette admitted. "What kind of dreams?" Tina asked. "Of a sexual nature", she teased as she got her confidence back a little. "Well one in particular was responsible for a pretty intense orgasm," Bette stated mater of factly. Tina gasped, "Seriously? Wow, what a compliment. That’s never happened to me but wow, how intense." Bette continued looking straight at Tina "The point is as long as I don’t have to pretend that I don’t find you attractive and it doesn’t disgust you if I occassionally slip up. I can handle just being friends. I really like you Tina." Tina yawned and Bette laughed, "Am I boring you?" "Sorry, no I’m just tired" Tina said sheepishly.." I want that too and I could never be disgusted by you" Bette took that as a challenge and stepped forward, "What if we were out shopping and I tried to sneak a peak of you naked in the changeroom" she asked roguishly. Tina laughed picturing it, "How? by crawling under the connecting wall?" "Maybe, I can be very sneaky when i want" Bette said mockingly. "Like when you chose this bikini for me?" Tina asked raising her eyebrow. It was Bette’s turn to be sheepish. "You caught that, right? Okay, guilty but thanks by the way. You look amazing" she said running her eyes up and down Tina who grew warn under the scrutiny while Bette stepped closer. She locked eyes with Tina and leaned in closer. "What if i kissed you?" Bette asked focussing on Tina’s mouth. "You wouldn’t?" Tina sqeaked. "I might !" Bette said. "For example, right now I have an uncontrollable urge to kiss you, what should I do?" Bette asked innocently. Tina licked her lips and watched Bettes eyes follow the route of her tongue. Why didn’t the thought of kissing Bette disgust her? She was actually imagining what it would be like. Would it be wet and slobberly like her past experiences? She found herself leaning in closer to Bette wanting to find out. Suddenly Bette yawned apologizing and snapped Tina out of her daze. "I should be getting home it must be very late" Tina mumbled.. "Damn" Bette thought, talk about bad timing. She knew that Tina was aroused.. It was just a matter of "when" now. She walked over consulting her watch "Wow, it’s 4:10, the sun will be up soon. Tina was heading to the house, "I’ll just change and call a cab, we’ve both had a lot to drink" Tina said excusing Bette from driving her home. Bette said, "Why don’t I just fix up the couch for you for the rest of the night and I’ll drive you home tomorrow, make that later on today? You’re too tired to go home now". Bette was right, Tina could barely keep her eyes open all of a sudden. "Okay, if it isn’t too much trouble. I am really beat, must be the wine catching up to me" They both entered Bette’s bedroom and Bette said. "Sit on the bed and I’ll get you a t shirt and shorts to wear, just slip out of that damp suit" Tina tugged the strings on the bikini and pulled both pieces off dropping them to the floor, she was cold so she slipped under the covers while she was waiting for the borrowed clothes. She laid down on the pillow waiting for Bette to return and was soon fast asleep. Bette came back in shortly, "Here you go T…" but Tina was out. The bed was huge so Bette didn’t have the heart to wake her. She knew she should head for the couch herself but she was a glutten for punishment. She went abouit her normal bedtime routine after she drapped the damp suits over the shower curtain rod. She slipped into a tank top and pajama pants and then slipped under the covers on the far side of the bed. Lying this close to Tina without touching her was pure torture but after tossing and turning for a while, she finally fell asleep near the bottom corner of the bed. Tina never moved.


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    1. Wow! Fantastic chapter! I love the interplay between these two. The flirting scene made me squirm with anticipation of what will undoubtedly happen in the future. Tina is such a goner! I wonder who will wake up first??? Can’t wait for your next post…

    2. This is great. Both times Tina was saved by a yawn. Bette does remember that Tina is naked under the blankets right? I would so not get any sleep. It will be interesting to see what happens when Tina wakes up. Can’t wait for the next update.

    3. ”didn’t acknowledge it one way of the other. I apologize for not being brave enough to tackle the subject” – – cls, you never need to apologize to us – its your story. And the Jodi character didn’t become an artist (her link to Bette) by being deaf, so her deafness is not crucial to the story. Feel free to write what you feel comfortable writing. And btw, thank you for writing this story!

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