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    Confusion Chapter 5 Conclusion

         Now it was time for Tina’s eyes to dilate and she gasped at Bette’s contact with her leg. It was all she could do to suppress a moan that gurgled up in the back of her throat and to prevent her instinctive need to bring her knee up higher, exposing herself even more to Bette’s eager gaze and further exploration. "Good morning!" Tina whispered huskily. Bette smiled up at her, noting Tina”s flushed face and obvious arousal. Encouraged by her reaction, she once again ran her hand from Tina’s knee back up to a hairs breath of her center. Bette leaned forward towards Tina’s hip and took a deep breath, catching the sweet musky smell of Tina’s aroused sex that was unique to her alone. Bette looked up at Tina, "Are you wet?" Tina jerked in surprise and tried to ignore Bette’s words. "I’m sorry I must have fallen asleep last night" Tina stammered. Bette slid her hand up and down it’s predetermined path again but this time, slightly brushed Tina’s blonde pubic hair with the back of her knuckles causing Tina to spasm. "I want to touch you Tina, may I touch you?" she whispered reverently not waiting for a response. She glided her hand up and down again, pulling Tina’s leg even more towards her, spreading her wider. "Does it turn you on knowing how much I want you? How much I need you?" Bette leaned in closer. "How much I want to taste you?" Tina squirmed again, panting softly. She couldn’t seem to break eye contact with Bette, not that she wanted to at this moment. She just lay there waiting. This must be what it feels like to be caught in the eyes of a predator just before it leaps to attack. That instant, knowing that you are completely at its mercy. Tina felt a shiver pass down her spine. Bette felt it too. "Are you cold?", she continued stroking Tina’s skin. ""You don’t seem cold," Bette leaned down to Tina’s hip and pressed her lips to her sofly. "In fact, I find you very very hot", she said as she snaked her tongue out and lightly licked Tina’s skin. She blew gently on the wet patch and watched another shiver pass down Tina’s back. "Does that make your nipples hard?" Bette whispered licking her again lightly. This time Tina couldn’t suppress the moan that passed her lips . Bette smiled knowingly. Tina lost all sense of reason in that moment and her focus was completely on Bette and the pleasure she knew she would experience if she let her take full control. Her senses were alive as never before. "Please…" Tina whispered desperately. "I’ve never…" "What." Bette interupted her smoothly " You’ve never what? Been touched? Or maybe never wanted to be fucked this much?" she said with a sly smile. Tina shook her head and pulled away a little "Do you have to be so crude?" she reached again for the sheet but Bette snatched it from her "Those are your words. Remember last night when you told me how much you liked to be fucked. I would prefer to make love to you but at this point I am so hot for you I don’t mind playing it your way" and grabbed Tina’s leg again, pulling it back into it’s original position as she climbed up to lever herself into a better area. She slid her hand up and cupped Tina’s sex completely from behind while pressing her down into the bed with her other hand on the small of her back."Maybe crude is what you want my sweet?" Bette knew the situation had quickly gotten out of control but she was so aroused by now that she didn’t care. She slowly pulled back on her hand so that her fingers slid down past Tina’s clit and into her folds. "So wet, so very very wet" Bette murmured as she bent down and brushed her hair lightly over Tinas back. Tina arched her back as she felt Bette’s fingers glide over her sex. She was so close, "GOD, Bette What are you doing to me?" She loved the way Bette was taking control over her. She was ready to accept what ever Bette offered. Bette pushed her hand back up to cup Tina intimately and lowered herself down beside her, kissing and licking Tina’s back. "What do you want me to do? I know you would prefer to have a big thick cock right now but maybe this will do!" Tina didn’t have time to comment on the cock issue Bette had mentioned because she found herself impaled onto two fingers as Bette slowly pushed into her center. "ARhghhh!, Tina groaned as Bette pushed into her and quickly withdrew. Not giving her a chance to recover, again she pushed her fingers inside Tina, deeper then before. Tina lifted her head up arching her neck. "God Bette, more ..please . I , I, SHITTT ARHGHHHH!" she said as Bette again penetrated her deeper and harder this time" "You like that huh babe?" Bette said as Tina tried to push herself down onto Bette’s fingers, Tina was beyond answering, her whole body was on fire as she focused her attention on Bette’s fingers between her legs. Bette suddenly stopped and lay back away from Tina breathing hard. Tina mewed in protest from the loss of Bette’s fingers and intimate attention. "What?" pant, "What are you doing?" Tina gasped. Bette just looked at Tina, desire written all over her face. For a moment she didn’t comprehend what was happening and then, like a fog lifting from her brain, she understood. Bette wanted her to choose. To decide if this was what she really wanted. She looked down Bette’s body to her tank top that was covering her breasts and knew this was a decisive moment in her life. "Take off your clothes", Tina said shakily. "Please… I want to see you" Bette smiled tentitively, "You do?" Bette finished nervously, afraid that Tina would bolt and run. Tina nodded. "I think I’ve wanted this since I first met you but I’ve been fighting my feelings. Scared I guess. I just know that if I don’t touch you right now, I’ll explode!" Bette rose and removed her pajamas, slipping back in beside Tina but not touching her. "You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?" Tina said looking at Bette’s breasts with awe. "If it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth while sweet." Bette said sagely then whispered. "Kiss me Tina, just…one…kiss" she said leaning forward. Tina’s eyes moved from Bette’s breasts to her lips as they grew closer and suddenly she couldn’;t bear the wait and met her halfway. Pressing her lips to Bette’s nibbling slightly. "So soft" was her first thought. She rubbed her lips back and forth across Bette’s learning the feel and texture, then began kissing her face, cupping her head with one hand so she could draw her closer. Bette shifted slightly so she could reach Tina better and pulled one of her legs up and over her hip exposing Tina’s core to her willing fingers. Tina thrust her hips closer anticipating the return of Bette’s hand. Bette slid her hand down Tina’s stomach and fingered her clit. Then she dipped down to cover her fingers with Tina’s juices and brought her hand back up to her lips. Tina watched mesmerized as Bette placed her fingers in her mouth licking them clean. Tina growled and pounced, licking and kissing, tasting herself on her lover’s lips. Bette ran her tongue lightly over Tina’s lips seeking entry and Tina sighed opening her mouth slightly to accept her first feel of Bette’s tongue, who took full advantage and plunged inside, sparring with Tina’s tongue before retreating to catch her breath. Tina’s tongue followed Bette as she exited her mouth and jumped across to Bette’s, wanting to so some exploring of her own. Both women were panting and clawing at the other in a desperate bid to get even closer to the other. Suddenly Bette pulled back, "I can’t do this Tina, I can’t fuck you" Tina was still caught up in her emotions and hanging onto Bette tightly. "Huh? What? You can’t be serious. You want to stop now? Tina asked incrediously. "No baby I don’t want to stop but I can’t fuck you like I promised" she paused. "I want to make love to you and I don’t want you to leave after the first orgasm passes. I want to make you cum in every way I know how until the only person you can focus on is me. I want you to remember my name for the rest of your life. I don’t want to join the faceless legions you alluded to last night. I want the whole experience. Trust me Tina, trust me enough to take this journey with me." Tina looked deeply into Bette’s eyes and read the sincerity written there. She smiled, shifted her legs and reached down between their bodies to Bette’s center. Bette spread her legs slightly to give Tina better access and spasmed when she felt the first tentive touch of Tina’s hand. Tina rubbed against Bette’s clit, watching her eyes dilate further and then dipped into Bette’s core feeling just how aroused she was. "You had me at Mascara, Porter!" Tina said referring to Bette’s joke the night before. Bette smiled in relief gasping at the feel of Tina’s fingers as they grew bolder, "Inside, I want to feel you inside." Bette panted. "Please Tina, I’m so close" Tina pushed Bette onto her back and slipped between her legs to better service her. She wasn’t 100% sure of what she was doing but she was encouraged by Bette’s responses. Sensing her hesitation Bette instructed. "That feels so good baby, I love how you touch me, can you feel how wet I am for you?" Tina nodded fascinated by the sight of Bette laid out before her like an all you can eat buffet. With that thought in her head she giggled and thrust two fingers into Bette watching when she arched off the bed in reaction. She ran her other hand over Bette’s clit, bringing the small nub to full attention. She reached down kissing Bette’s stomach with her lips, experiencing an uncontrollable urge to run her tongue up and over her clit. She gently sucked the nub into her mouth as Bette spasmed again. "Shit Tina! What are you doing to me!" Bette said rhetorically. Tina looked up Bette’s body and locked eyes with her. The extra visual stimulation made her want to explore Bette’s folds more extensively. She dipped down with her tongue and ran up and down her inner lips gathering up the juices that were overflowing. She curled her fingers upwards slightly and touched Bette’s G-Spot. Bette’s inner walls immediately began to tighten around Tina’s hand and she knew instinctively that Bette was about to cum. Bette’s eyes lost focus for a moment as she suddenly climaxed powerfully around Tina’s hand, screaming her name, "TIINNAAAAA!". Tina had moved up to place her mouth over Bette’s clit, not moving just riding the wave Bette was experiencing. Slowly Bette felt herself floating back down to earth. She looked up to see Tina hovering above her smiling proudly. This was so much like her dream that she reached out to touch Tina’s face, scared that it wasn’t real. She pulled her down into a kiss, and whispered against her lips. "That was amazing, where did you learn how to do that?" Bette asked with a smile. " Tina was lying beside Bette, perched on one elbow. " You were right, when you make love, you get all caught up in what your partner is feeling and it’s an incredible turn on. I just couldn’t do enough for you at that moment just before you came. " You did enough!" Bette laughed, "Any more and I wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow" she teased pulling Tina down onto her shoulder hugging her close. "For a second there I wanted to crawl right up inside you, I just couldn’t get close enough. Do you know what I mean?" Tina asked, kissing Bette’s chest. "Yes, that’s what I was trying to describe to you last night." "Bette? Earlier you mentioned my "preference for a big thick cock" I believe your words were. I want you to know I haven’t once thought about what appendages you might be lacking. I have never felt this aroused before, so ….satisfied". Tina said searching desperately for the words to describe the senastion of lying here with Bette. Spurred to action, Bette flipped Tina over onto her back and climbed between her legs, cupping her face and kissing her deeply. "Satisfied? I think not, at least not yet?" Bette responded. Pulling Tina’s knees up high gently spreading her legs, Bette inserted two fingers deep into Tina, Tina arched her neck and thrust her hips up to meet Bette’s hand. Bette braced herself on one hand hovering over Tina rubbing their breasts together and kissing her deeply. Tina slid her hands up catching Bette’s nipples, pinching and squeezing. "Open your eyes babe, look at me," Bette said as a fine sheen of sweat appeared on her forehead, she so wanted to bring Tina pleasure, pumping into her gently. "Bette!" Tina exclaimed. "God that feels so good," Bette continued to thrust into Tina. "More? she asked before inserting another finger, eliciting a tight growl from Tina. "Aaargghh" Tina moaned. "So good, so fucking good!" Tina panted as she closed her eyes again. "No!" Bette admonished, "Look at me T, I’m inside you, feel me. I want you to come for me babe. I want you to know how good you feel, so fucking wet and tight around my fingers." Bette could feel Tina’s walls tightening, "Now babe, cum for me now!" Bette encouraged. "Bettttttttte!!!! Ahhhhh God" Tina screamed as she experienced one of the most powerful orgasms of her life. Bette continued to pump into her as Tina continued to spasm around her fingers. She dropped down onto Tina’s clit and began to run long strokes over the nub with her tongue, never ceasing her finger thrusts within Tina’s core. "Enough!" said Tina weakly as she tried to pull away from Bette’s nimble tongue and fingers. Bette looked up for a second, "Never enough babe, it will never be enough with you. I want you to come again for me." Tina locked eyes with her for a moment and knew that she would do anything for this woman. She was Bette’s to do with as she pleased now and forever. She nodded and Bette resumed licking and lapping at her sex. It wasn’t long before she felt the sensation build again and this time when she plummetted over the edge she actually fainted from the force of her release. She woke to Bette rocking her and holding her, "Tina? Tina are you okay?" Tina started laughing and crying at the same time. "What’s wrong sweetheart, I think you fainted, but everythings okay" Bette said relieved. "You know we could sell this to an Amusement park". Tina got out in a shaky voice. "Porter’s Ride of a Lifetime, we’d make a fortune except I don’t want to share you with anyone. That was amazing my love, that was a first for me. I’ve never been so satisfied…ever" "Love?" Bette looked down into Tina’s watery eyes questioningly. "Isn’t it?" Tina asked suddenly afraid that she had misread the situation. Bette’s mouth curved into a smile, "Most definitely T," Bette started kissing her way down Tina’s body. "Three times?" Tina squeaked out as she felt her body respond to Bette’s touch yet again. "Who’s counting." Bette said and continued on her quest. Tina smiled ….

    The end?

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    1. Damn, I so wish my boss wasn’t still here cos I would so scream. I wish the story had been a bit longer, but I’m definitly satisfied with the way they woke up, and how it seems to end.

    2. Whew! I’m still extinguishing the flames from my computer monitor! What a way to wake up this morning. I had to cool down some before I left my comment. I wish you would right more – I love this Tina as well. Maybe Bette could introduce her to the lifestyle bit by bit…now that would be HOT! If you don’t pick up on this story, please start another!!!

    3. this cannot end…omg how hot is this story.i understand why people have said they need a cold shower…this tina is great i like her characteristics and as for bette make love and not fuck its so super sweet dont let it end plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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