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    Exploration Chapter 1

         Tina gasped! arching into her lover’s hand. "How can I want you again so soon?" she groaned. Bette was busy sucking on Tina’s earlobe. "I don’t know but I thank God for it !" she murmured seductively as she pinched Tina’s nipples slightly. Suddenly Tina shoved Bette over onto her back and crawled over her so she could vault for the bathroom. "I’ve got to pee!" she yelled over her shoulder as she bolted away. Bette chuckled, "Now? boy you sure know how to pick your moments. I was just getting all warmed up." Tina yelled back from the commode. "Hey I just did you a big favour, another moment and you would have been warmed up all right." Bette wandered into the bathroom as Tina finished, watching her as she wiped herself clean. "God, I’m even turned on watching you pee !", Bette said smiling. Tina blushed as she got up to wash her hands and Bette took her place emptying her bladder as well. Bette waved towards a drawer in the vanity, "There are new toothbrushes in there if you want one" "Great, thanks" Tina said choosing one. Bette although finished, continued to sit on the commode watching as Tina brushed her teeth, marvelling at the incredible woman she was. She got up as Tina finished, to wash her hands and brush as well. Tina stood behind Bette making eye contact with her in the mirror. "Morning" she said shyly. Bette turned as she finished and drew Tina close to her pressing their naked bodies together. "Tina…" was all she could get out before she captured Tina’s lips gently in a breathtaking kiss that made both their toes curl. She was pleased when Tina cupped her head and brought their mouths together more firmly. With Tina’s hands busy Bette took full advantage and ran her knuckles over Tina’s beasts, stroking and teasing her nipples into hard buds. They were both breathing hard when they backed off to look deeply into each others eyes. Tina was the first to break the contact growing a little nervous. A lot had happened in a short time. Three months ago, if you told her that she would spend the evening with a woman, sleep in the same bed and then upon awakening, make love countless times in complete ecstasy, she would have laughed uproarishly but, that was before she met this amazing woman. The same woman that took her breath away with a simple look, that brought her body and mind to plateaus she had never visited before.

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    1. I don’t think even a cold shower is going to make the fire created by this story go away…Damn, and I thought the last chapter was HOT! You pulled off another chapter that leaves me yearning for a sequel to the sequel…Whew!!!!

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