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    Exploration Chapter 1

         Bette could read the thoughts flitting across Tina’s face. "It’s a lot to absorb eh? Are you having doubts about all of this?" she asked concerned. "Because I know I came across really strong, I couldn’t help myself when I woke and found you in my bed completely naked and then when I touched you I just couldn’t stop. Your body is so responsive to me…" Bette said as she reached out and cupped Tina’s cheek, mesmerized by Tina’s lips. "So incredibly beautiful…" she leaned down and gently nibbled on Tina’s lips. She turned and placed her body behind Tina so they could both face the vanity. Tina watched in the mirror while Bette ran her hands over Tina’s abdomen. "See this red mark here? I remember sucking slowly on your skin right there when I made you cum the fifth time. Tina leaned back into Bette a little more who then moved her hands higher cupping Tina’s breasts. "See these red marks here around your nipples?" she said circling them gently. "Those are my teeth marks left behind as I bit you when you begged me too". Tina groaned as Bette continued upwards. She lifted the blonde tresses away from her lovers neck. "See here? I left a lovemark when I licked and sucked on you as I drove my fingers deep into your pussy. thrusting ever deeper until you cried out my name as you came." Tina’s knees buckled slightly and she whimpered but Bette continued to support her as her hands travelled lower now. "It’s more difficult to see all the marks I left around your thighs and pussy babe but they’re there. Teeth marks, scratches, lip marks all from me as I plundered your pussy coating myself in your juices time and time again, never getting enough of you. Bette grabbed the back of Tina’s hands and retraced the journey they had just taken over her body. "Feel where I’ve touched you, " Bette said seductively into Tina’s ears. She released Tina’s hands so she could continue on her own.

         Tina locked eyes with Bette in the mirror and slowly ran her hands along the path Bette had taken moments earlier. Every time she passed over an area Bette had highlighted she shivered in memory. She remembered the exact moment Bette had marked her abdomen and she remembered the feel of Bette’s strong teeth when she captured her nipples in her mouth, she remembered begging Bette to bite harder when she couldn’t get enough of the sight and feel of Bette in the throes of passion. She remembered Bette licking and sucking on her neck as she rode her strong fingers to yet another climax of worldly proportion and she remembered the countless times Bette lay housed between her legs lapping, thrusting and sucking her into submission. Yes, this woman had staked a claim on her very soul. She finished her travels on her upper thighs and whispered throatily, "Yours……, I’m yours to do with as you please" Tina felt her juices dripping down her inner thigh. She reached down and caught a drop on the tip of her finger bringing it to her own lips as she turned to face her lover. "See what you do to me Porter? No body has ever made me feel like this before. " Her tongue snaked out to lick her finger but Bette captured her hand first and brought it to her own lips. "Mine" she said huskily, licking the dew drop from Tina’s finger and then sucked the entire length into her mouth causing another gush of fluids from Tina. " "I want you Kennard, again, now!"

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    1. I don’t think even a cold shower is going to make the fire created by this story go away…Damn, and I thought the last chapter was HOT! You pulled off another chapter that leaves me yearning for a sequel to the sequel…Whew!!!!

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