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    Exploration Chapter 1

         She grabbed Tina close reaching behind her to cup her buttocks in both her hands forcing her ass cheeks apart so the air could reach Tina’s pussy. "Bette" Tina whispered, her eyes glazed. "Do you like that?" Bette asked rhetorically. She inserted her thigh between Tina’s legs and pulled hard sliding Tina’s center up onto her thigh as she was spread apart by the wedge. Bette groaned as she felt Tina’s wetness. "At this rate, we’re going to dehydrate!," Bette said shakily.

         Tina smiled and wrapped her arms around Bette’s neck. She reached across to nibble on Bette’s lower lip before plunging her tongue deep inside, to explore the now familiar territory once again. Tina sucked on the tip of Bette’s tongue and growing more brazen, turned the tables on her. ‘I need to taste you," she said as she reached down between their bodies and cupped Bette’s sex. She could feel the small tight spasms as Bette’s pussy immediately convulsed from the intimate touch. She enjoyed the control Bette wielded over her but she also enjoyed being the aggressor and Bette seemed just as powerless to resist Tina’s demands when she reciprocated. She reached down and brought one of Bette’s hands to her lips, kissing it softly. Silently, she slid the sliding door open on the large shower stall and turned on the water. Bette ran her hands up Tina’s back and leaned in to adjust the temperature. Tina whispered into Bette’s mouth as they shared another kiss, "I want to wash your pussy with my tongue" she said as she stepped inside the stall ahead of Bette.

         Bette seemed frozen to the spot oblivious of the water that pooled outside the stall at her feet. She watched while Tina reached for the soap and lathered her body, particularly interested when she coated her pussy with a thiick layer of foam bubbles. Tina leaned back against the stall running here fingers through her fine coating of pubic hair and down into here center and inner folds, watching Bette’s reaction to her self exploration. Bette stood starring with her mouth open, occassionally licking her lips at the erotic scene in front of her. Tina waited until Bette, losing control, started moving towards her into the spray and then quickly rinsed herself off. She kissed Bette deeply and began soaping her down. When Bette attempted to fondle Tina’s breasts her hands were placed on the walls of the stall. "Keep them there" Tina commanded as she continued soaping up Bette. She watched the water cascade down Bette’s body as it forked at the juncture between her legs like her pussy was an island in the stream. "That’s an island I want to visit" she said to herself, licking her lips. She lathered up her hand and pulling Bettes hips forward out of direct contact with the shower raining down on them and plunged her hand aggressivly between Bette’s legs. "Arrgghhh" Bette couldn’t help exclaiming as Tina thoroughly spread the soap over her cunt. Tina made short work of washing Bette because her tongue was itching to follow where her hand had just explored. She rinsed lover off and dropped to her knees in front of her. She slipped one of Bette’s legs over her shoulder propping it on a ledge so she could get better access. "Spread yourself wide for me love" Bette obediently spread her knees as far apart as she could in her precarious position. "Mmmmm" Tina said as she leaned forward licking her lips. She flattened her tongue and passed a long swath from Bette’s asshole to her clit. Bette jerked in reaction to having her butt hole licked, "Shiiiittt Tina" she cried out. Tina once again returned and licked softly around the tight spincter pushing her tongue inside slightly causing Bettes hips to thrust towards her face for closer contact. Tina smiled at the reaction she was having over Bette and encouraged, slowly pushed in a finger up to the second knuckle, circling the tight orifice to loosen and stretch it. Bette’s total focus was on the woman between her legs. Never before had she been so exposed and vulnerable. It was a new experience for Bette and she liked it. "Tina, I’ve never…I …OH MY GOD, Tina please, I …more" Bette stammered helplessly. Tina removed her finger and grabbing some baby oil off the shelf in the stall, coated her middle and index finger liberally. She leaned back into position and licked and sucked on Bette’s clit while she inched her hand back towards the orifice straining for attention. She gently rubbed around the tight hole, once again stretching and loosening until she was satisfied she could enter without hurting her lover unintentionally. She latched more firmly onto Bette’s clit with her mouth and slowly entered her ass with her oiled fingers. Bette jerked convulsively at the feel of Tina’s fingers entering her forbidden area. She spread herself even wider in acceptance as she relaxed her muscles around the foreign feel of fingers inside her. "This is Tina," she said to herself and then moaned out loud as her emotions began to overwhelm her. Her entire focus was on the sensations building between her legs. Tina was concentrating on bringing pleasure to Bette. When she felt that Bette was completly relaxed and accepting of the feel of her fingers inside her, she began to thrust them slowly in and out, pressing ever deeper as she went, never losing contact with Bette’s clit. When she felt that Bette was near the edge of her endurance she reached up with her other hand and plunged two fingers into her center and began pounding into her from two areas at once. That was all the stimulation Bette needed. Screaming" Fucccckkk, Tina, ahhhhh TIIIIIIINA," she collapsed around Tina’s hands, knees buckling. Tina caught her and helped ease her down onto the floor of the shower stall, warm water cascading over their panting bodies. Slowly Bette’s world tilted back onto it’s axis and her spasms receded. She pulled Tina up onto her body. "God Tina that was so hot!" Bette managed to squeak out. "You sure seemed to like it. I’ve never done that before with anyone. I just went with the responses I was reading from your body but I was afraid you might be turned off." Tina said kissing Bette’s lips. "I don’t think there is anything you could do to me that would turn me off babe. It was such a turn on exposing myself to you like that, accepting you when you penetrated me. I like taking control but it was exciting having you take me like that." Tina felt her own pussy convulsing at Bette’s confession.

         They slowly rose from the floor of the stall, showered again while washing each other’s hair and then made their way back to the bed to spend a leisurely afternoon making love…..

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    1. I don’t think even a cold shower is going to make the fire created by this story go away…Damn, and I thought the last chapter was HOT! You pulled off another chapter that leaves me yearning for a sequel to the sequel…Whew!!!!

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