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    Exploration Chapter 2

         Bette knew Tina was right but she had a sudden fear that if she let Tina out of her sight she would lose her. Her Gallery had called a number of times with fairly minor problems but Bette really should make an appearance and check over the exhibit. They had reorganized the Showing for General Public display and there were a few positioning decisions that were Bette’s alone to make. Reluctantly she nodded, "I’m sorry, you’re right. I guess I’m just afraid you’ll turn back into a pumpkin if you leave. I’ll get you some clothes you can’t wear this home" she said referring to the crumpled dress. Tina grabbed Bette’s arm to stop her, "Hey! You really think I’ll …TURN BACK TO THE DARK SIDE…" she said in her best Darth Vader impersonation, meaning become straight again, if that was even possible. Up until 24 hours ago she had never slept with a woman and considered herself a confirmed heterosexual but now she couldn’t imagine being with anyone other than Bette. Did that make her gay? She’d have to think things through later on. Right now she didn’t know what she was other than happy. "Bette, I want to be with you, exclusively. I told you, I’m yours. Love me or leave me" she finished trying to make light of her speech even though she was serious. Bette’s eyes lit up, "I’m honored T, " she said stroking Tina’s back. Then more seriously, "Tina I know it is too soon but I want to tell you how much I ,,," The phone rang interupting her words. "Saved by the bell?" Tina joked. Bette shrugged, "Sorry, I should get this. Just grab what you want from the walk in closet then I’ll drive you home. We can talk about this later when you get back from New York" Bette picked up the phone by the bed.

         Tina found a tank top and shorts and bagged the rest of her clothes. She was ready when Bette came back in the room tucking a blouse into her skirt, obviously heading for the office. She juggled the phone, "I’m on my way, I just have one stop and then I’ll be there,…. just have any paperwork ready for me….Yes..Yes, Half hour tops.. Thanks bye" Bette said hanging the phone on the charger. "Okay, let’s go"

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    1. What a great update. Damn, I’m dying here. When Tina left the dark side, she really left. Can’t wait for the next update, though I have the feeling that more phone sex will be neccessary for these two.

    2. The “saved by the bell” comment made me remember how much I disliked the cheesy cast members ;o) hopefully Tina and Bette will survive the latest addition to the drama! I really enjoy your stories, thanks for sharing!

    3. Great update! Love how Tina is open and aggressive Tina with her sexuality, and I hope that she does not regress once she has time to think about it. Can’t wait to read what you have in store for them next. PPVS!!!

    4. I agree with you on this one CLS, Tina needs her battery drained. **Isn’t that what Bette just help her with over the phone? LOL!*** Tina is so HOT as the aggressor in this chapter and I wouldn’t try to hard to separate them. Exploring the sexual side of a new relationship can be so much fun and these two are having a FANTASTIC TIME!! LOL! Hmmm…..will Bette be making a surprise visit to the Big Apple to make sure Tina has everything she needs? PS.

    5. Tina is so incredibly HOT in the alpha role. I’m with jb621 – Bette definitely needs to make a surprise visit to the Big Apple. I was shocked that she didn’t even ask Tina to call her while she was away – what no repeat on the smoking hot phone sex??? Bette – catch up with your new hot woman here…whew!!! On a side not, I have to remember not to read your postings at work – oh, it was a long day!!! PPS

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