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    Exploration Chapter 2

         Bette pulled up in front of Tina’s apartment and sighed. "How long are you going to be gone?" she asked. Tina shook her head as she programmed her cell with Bette’s number, "I’m not 100% sure but at least 2 days. If I can get everything set, I should be back Wednesday. That’s the crazy unpredictable part of my job and usually I don’t care because i don’t have any reason to be back early" Tina said. "Oh? And you have a reason now? " Bette asked innocently? Tina grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her half over the middle console. "Just one" she said throatily as she claimed Bette’s lips with her own. She plunged her tongue inside her lovers mouth igniting a fire between Bette’s thighs. Bette groaned into Tina’s mouth, "Tina, god, what you do to me!" Tina broke off the kiss, I wish I had more time to show you exactly what I want to do to you! Already I’m missing you and I’m not even out of the car yet. " She glanced at the dash to check the time "Shit! If you don’t go now you’ll be late. You told them half an hour." Bette was on fire, "I know. I know but you started it! " she smiled. Tina smiled back, "Well if it is of any consolation, I’m so wet right now, my pussy is doing back strokes." Bette laughed, "Serves you right, okay kiss me quick and get out of here. Call me when you get back" Tina leaned over and kissed Bette on the cheek whispering, "Like that?" "No, like this!" Bette said as she cupped the back of Tina’s head and pulled her close for another searing kiss. Then she pushed Tina back over and out of the passenger door and drove away with a wave. Tina stood on the sidewalk for a few seconds in a daze. "Fuck! she can’t leave me like this, I’ll explode" she thought as she made her way into her apartment. "I wouldn’t be surprised if the smoke detectors went off from the heat I’m generating" she said outloud as she entered her apartment. She made her way to the sofa with thoughts of Bette and their lovemaking uppermost in her mind. Her pussy was aching with need, there was no way a shower was going to cure this. Suddenly an idea occurred to her and she reached for the phone as she stripped off her clothing..

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    1. What a great update. Damn, I’m dying here. When Tina left the dark side, she really left. Can’t wait for the next update, though I have the feeling that more phone sex will be neccessary for these two.

    2. The “saved by the bell” comment made me remember how much I disliked the cheesy cast members ;o) hopefully Tina and Bette will survive the latest addition to the drama! I really enjoy your stories, thanks for sharing!

    3. Great update! Love how Tina is open and aggressive Tina with her sexuality, and I hope that she does not regress once she has time to think about it. Can’t wait to read what you have in store for them next. PPVS!!!

    4. I agree with you on this one CLS, Tina needs her battery drained. **Isn’t that what Bette just help her with over the phone? LOL!*** Tina is so HOT as the aggressor in this chapter and I wouldn’t try to hard to separate them. Exploring the sexual side of a new relationship can be so much fun and these two are having a FANTASTIC TIME!! LOL! Hmmm…..will Bette be making a surprise visit to the Big Apple to make sure Tina has everything she needs? PS.

    5. Tina is so incredibly HOT in the alpha role. I’m with jb621 – Bette definitely needs to make a surprise visit to the Big Apple. I was shocked that she didn’t even ask Tina to call her while she was away – what no repeat on the smoking hot phone sex??? Bette – catch up with your new hot woman here…whew!!! On a side not, I have to remember not to read your postings at work – oh, it was a long day!!! PPS

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