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    Exploration Chapter 2

         Tina’s pussy clenched slightly. She tasted herself and thought of Bette. " Tina babe. I want you so much" Bette said rubbing her own swollen nub. Tina moaned slightly, "I’m here love, right here with you" "Feel me rubbing your clit? I’m only using my middle finger" Tina said as she moved her hand slowly and Bette followed suit. "I’m dipping down to coat my finger with your juices and then spreading the wetness up and over your clit, wait, I need some more. There, nice and wet and slippery. Now I’m rubbing slow circles around the nub, I can feel it hardening slightly as it swells beneath the stroking of my finger. Your pussy just clenched in response to my voice, Ooooh.. you it did again. I like that, oh you feel so ready for me. I’m circling your clit a little faster"

          Bette was right with her, "Yeah babe, harder, please harder."

         "Shhhh love, nice and slow, your hips are straining to get closer to me. Unbutton your blouse and free a breast…. hurry I want to feel you!… Now, I’m going to get behind you and cup your tit with my hand and sqeeze the nipple between my thunb and index finger. Feel that? I’m squeezing harder and harder until you can barely stand it. I’m still rubbing your clit but I need to dip down for some more of your love juices. There that’s better, nice and wet again, now I’m going to circle your clit a little faster and harder. I’m increasing the pressure on your nipple, ouch but it hurts so good. Your pussy is pushing up to meet my hand while I circle your clit faster and faster. You’re close I can feel it, Cum for me Bette, cum all over my hand,,,arrggghh Bette!!!", Tina said as she brought herself to climax. Bette followed close behind, screaming Tina’s name as she bucked on her car seat, riding the waves of her orgasm.

         "Tina, are you still there babe?" Bette asked tenderly. Tina picked up the phone and switched off the speaker. "Yes, I’m here, that was fucking hot!" she laughed. Bette was trying to get her boob back into her blouse. "Well I feel much better now but my nipple is going to be sore for a few minutes. I’m going to have to hit the washroom and clean up before I meet anyone. Not to mention my car seat needs to be wiped down", she said as she attempted to pull up her underwear and smooth out her skirt. "Sorry, you just left me here in such a state of arousal I needed satsifaction." Tina sighed feeling very relaxed. "Well I aim to please, even if that means from 10 miles away. Shit James is looking out the door for for me. I’ve got to go! Call me when you get back in from New York." Bette said hoping she didn’t look overly odd to James. "Bette?" Tina said not wanting to hang up, but not sure what to say. Bette stopped moving, her hand hovering over the disconnect, "Yeah T?" "I, I, " Tina stammered. Bette smiled understanding Tina’s unwillingness to disconnect, "Me too babe, me too. Call me when you get back. bye"

         "Bye" Tina returned and then hung up. "Now how fast can I get my work done in New York so I can get back here" Tina thought as she spurred herself to action. "I’m betting on record time this trip!" she smiled as she went to pack….

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    1. What a great update. Damn, I’m dying here. When Tina left the dark side, she really left. Can’t wait for the next update, though I have the feeling that more phone sex will be neccessary for these two.

    2. The “saved by the bell” comment made me remember how much I disliked the cheesy cast members ;o) hopefully Tina and Bette will survive the latest addition to the drama! I really enjoy your stories, thanks for sharing!

    3. Great update! Love how Tina is open and aggressive Tina with her sexuality, and I hope that she does not regress once she has time to think about it. Can’t wait to read what you have in store for them next. PPVS!!!

    4. I agree with you on this one CLS, Tina needs her battery drained. **Isn’t that what Bette just help her with over the phone? LOL!*** Tina is so HOT as the aggressor in this chapter and I wouldn’t try to hard to separate them. Exploring the sexual side of a new relationship can be so much fun and these two are having a FANTASTIC TIME!! LOL! Hmmm…..will Bette be making a surprise visit to the Big Apple to make sure Tina has everything she needs? PS.

    5. Tina is so incredibly HOT in the alpha role. I’m with jb621 – Bette definitely needs to make a surprise visit to the Big Apple. I was shocked that she didn’t even ask Tina to call her while she was away – what no repeat on the smoking hot phone sex??? Bette – catch up with your new hot woman here…whew!!! On a side not, I have to remember not to read your postings at work – oh, it was a long day!!! PPS

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