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    Exploration Chapter 4

    Tina was laughing and trying to pull away from Bette. "That tickles, stop" she said as she tried to push Bette’s face away from her mound and scramble away.

    Bette was having none of that, she leaned in and rubbed her nose against Tina again. "Poor pussy, poor pussy. Have you been neglected? Do you need a little attention? Maybe you just want to play?" and then she reached between Tina’s legs and ran her fingers along her inner lips wetting them. Tina was putting up a pretty good fight but she was hampered by Bette’s face and upper body pinning her down.

    Bette managed to enter Tina with a finger and the laughter changed quickly to a groan, "Beeettte, ahh"

    Bette circled Tina’s clit a couple of times then dipped down to enter her again, this time with two fingers and Tina instinctively spread her legs wider for her lover groaning again "arghhh, oooh" she said as she sucked in a breath.

    Bette moved up beside Tina on the bed and spooned her,pulling Tina back against her so she was laying mostly under her. Leaning down she kissed Tina’s Shoulder. "Put your leg over me babe, spread yourself wide for me" Bette said as she slid her arm under Tina’s and moved a hand down over her waist and abdomen, on her way to Tina’s throbbing clit.

    Tina leaned her head back against Bette’s."Touch me love" she said huskily.

    Bette slid into Tina’s folds wetting her fingers then moved back up to slowly circle Tina’s clit. "Which finger do you use when you masterbate T?" she asked softly as she tried a couple of different ones. "This is the one I use" Bette said rubbing her middle finger in continuous slow circles.

    Yes, me too….the middle one…Ahhh" Tina managed to respond. "Faster love"

    "No, nice and slow, let it build babe. Nice and slow." she dipped down to coat her fingers again then resumed the same slow circles. Each circle took about two seconds to complete. Bette could feel Tina’s hips straining to press herself harder into Bette’s fingers. "Shhh, relax babe, nice and slow" She could feel Tina relax into the bed.

    "Bette this feels so good" she whispered. She could feel the edges of the orgasm building. "I can feel it coming love" she said hoping it would quicken Bette’s movements.

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    1. I was wondering when Tina was going to drop that liitle bombshell about Phillip. Thankfully Bette was able to take it all in stride. Now please please please write the scene where Tina ties Bette up….I just can’t get that visual out of my head now that you’ve planetd the idea there. PPS! Keep up the great fan fic writing!!!

    2. Can we all forget about Phillip now? They ARE going to sit next to each other on the flight, aren’t they? They should ask for a blanket. It’s a long flight NYC-LA, they may want to sleep or do something else under the blanket on the way home.

    3. It’s good that Tina got out that bit about Philip. Now she won’t have to feel guilty about it, though it was very foolish to have been with him. Glad this is working out for them. PPS

    4. Now that’s definitely the way to break a fast…Bette is just so amazing and I’m so happy that Tina spoke openly about Phillip. I can’t wait to see how their relationship unfolds and Tina’s continued adjustment to a completely new lifestyle. I wonder how other men at her job will respond to the news that she is off the market…I am lovin’ the story and hope you continue with their extremely hot and sexy interludes.

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