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    Exploration Chapter 4

    "Good, concentrate on relaxing under my fingers, let it come at it’s own pace, just ignore it and keep relaxing. Nice and slow babe" Bette repeated the mantra. She could feel Tina’s breathing increase as she continued with the slow even tempo.

    "Bette, it’s coming. I can …"Tina was unable to finish her thought she could feel her orgasm building in strength. She had no control over the approach because Bette had set the slow pace. Every time Bette dipped down for more moisture, the sensation was pushed back a little but always came back edging closer each time. It was becoming an entity unto itself. Tina could almost touch it. "Bette" she whispered.

    Bette knew the exact moment when Tina’s orgasm flowed over her because her entire body shivered and tightened but she kept up the same slow pace even as Tina spasmed around her hand.

    "Bette", Tina gasped as a powerful force engulfed her from head to toe emanating from her core. Bette’s fingers never slowed their steady pace. They simply rode the ship as Tina rocketeed out of the galaxy. "Ahhrgghhh," Tina groaned and her body convulsed. Only when Bette was sure she couldn’t squeeze out any more pleasure for Tina, did she allow her fingers to stop moving. She gathered Tina into her arms and cupped a breast as she pulled her near. Tina gripped Bette’s arm and hugged her. "That was positively amazing. Nice and slow, hmmm. I usually go for hard and fast, now I know what I have been doing wrong all these years!" Tina joked but Bette knew there was some truth in Tina’s words,

    "There must have been something about sex with men that you liked?" Bette asked curiously. " I know some women like that, feeling of being "taken" by someone that has more physical strength, the victim complex I’ve heard it called. You know, the "Tie me up and have your way with me" scenario."

    "Do you want me to tie you up?" Tina joked again.

    "Maybe, if that turns you on." Bette said seriously. "I’m game for anything you want to do or try with me babe. I get hot just knowing you are aroused, your pleasure is directly tied with mine. Yes, there are things that I like specifically but it’s more fun to learn them together."

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    1. I was wondering when Tina was going to drop that liitle bombshell about Phillip. Thankfully Bette was able to take it all in stride. Now please please please write the scene where Tina ties Bette up….I just can’t get that visual out of my head now that you’ve planetd the idea there. PPS! Keep up the great fan fic writing!!!

    2. Can we all forget about Phillip now? They ARE going to sit next to each other on the flight, aren’t they? They should ask for a blanket. It’s a long flight NYC-LA, they may want to sleep or do something else under the blanket on the way home.

    3. It’s good that Tina got out that bit about Philip. Now she won’t have to feel guilty about it, though it was very foolish to have been with him. Glad this is working out for them. PPS

    4. Now that’s definitely the way to break a fast…Bette is just so amazing and I’m so happy that Tina spoke openly about Phillip. I can’t wait to see how their relationship unfolds and Tina’s continued adjustment to a completely new lifestyle. I wonder how other men at her job will respond to the news that she is off the market…I am lovin’ the story and hope you continue with their extremely hot and sexy interludes.

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