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    Exploration Chapter 4

    "Hmm, yes that’s the way it has been for me too, with you. I don’t remember ever feeling like this with anyone else though. I guess a part of me knew there was something wrong, but I kept thinking I just hadn’t fucked the right guy yet so I continued to jump from one to another. I can see things more clearly now then I did at the time. I loved the idea of sex, of having a cock deep inside me, that sense of being filled but the reality always fell short. I did like the feeling of being "taken" but during sex I would kind of tune out, then I would take the control back and make the guy cum just to get it over with." Tina confessed and Bette hugged her again. "I do have a confession to make Bette. I’m not proud of this but I…I fucked Phillip in LA" Tina said in a small voice.

    Bette stiffened around Tina as a wave of jealousy passed over her. "When?" she asked shocked.

    Tina felt Bette’s body tense, and gripped her tighter, "It was after we met that first time and I found out you had dated Philip in college. He had been trying to get into my pants for about a year but I kept ignoring him. Really there is nothing much different about him then any of the men I was sleeping with. Scratch that, FUCKING because I never actually slept with any of them. Every date was EAT..Go Back to his place….STRIP….Condom…FUCK… get dressed…cab it home. Done.." Tina said clinically. "This time however I kept thinking about you and I guess I linked Phillip into that somehow. The idea that you had been with him somehow made him more attractive to me. I was really turned on by the thought that you had slept with him. In fact, it was you I was thinking about the whole time, as sick as that sounds" Tina said looking into Bette’s concerned eyes.

    "Did you cum?" Bette asked curiously.

    "……Yes, and I think I cried out your name. " Tina finished chagrined.

    "He must have loved that!" Bette smirked.

    "I don’t think he heard me because he never mentioned it. It was only the one time and I haven’t been with anyone else since you. I’m sorry, it was stupid but that’s who I was at the time". Tina finished waiting for Bette’s reaction.

    Bette looked into Tina’s troubled eyes and reassured her. "Okay, thanks for telling me" she said leaning over to kiss Tina.

    "Okay?, that’s it? You’re not angry?" Tina asked surprised.

    "Why should I be angry? Are you planning on sleeping with him again?" Bette asked with a smile already knowing the answer.

    "No, of course not but if I hadn’t met you I would still be moving from guy to guy", Tina said kissing Bette in return.

    "It wasn’t the guys T, Your body is made for loving" she breathed into her ear. "But I don’t think your mind wanted to be there" she said taping Tina’s forehead.

    Tina rolled over onto Bette, "I was waiting for you love" she said simply "There is no body else in the world but you for me. I told you, I’m yours Porter, with all my flaws" Tina said kissing Bette in return. with feeling.

    "Perfection is over rated" she said smiling reaching across Tina’s body for her watch. "Christ, we have to hurry or we’re going to miss our flight out." Bette said jumping over Tina and then helping her off the bed. "Move it Kennard, Let’s go home!"

    Tina smiled happily, "Yes ma’am, give me 10 minutes."

    "I like a woman that doesn’t keep me waiting" Bette said tossing on some travelling clothes as Tina hustled into the bathroom.

    She came back out with three minutes to spare grabbing Bette and kissing her soundly. "Thanks" she said referring the fact that Bette hadn’t freaked out about Phillip.

    Bette smiled, "Don’t thank me T, I don’t just want a piece of you, I want the whole package. I’m sure we both have things that haunt us from our past but we can work it out together. Com’on, let’s check out" she said kissing Tina again, then grabbed two of their bags and headed out the door.

    Tina swallowed a quick mouthful of cold coffee, snatching a piece of toast as she followed Bette out of the room. Missing breakfast had been worth it!




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    1. I was wondering when Tina was going to drop that liitle bombshell about Phillip. Thankfully Bette was able to take it all in stride. Now please please please write the scene where Tina ties Bette up….I just can’t get that visual out of my head now that you’ve planetd the idea there. PPS! Keep up the great fan fic writing!!!

    2. Can we all forget about Phillip now? They ARE going to sit next to each other on the flight, aren’t they? They should ask for a blanket. It’s a long flight NYC-LA, they may want to sleep or do something else under the blanket on the way home.

    3. It’s good that Tina got out that bit about Philip. Now she won’t have to feel guilty about it, though it was very foolish to have been with him. Glad this is working out for them. PPS

    4. Now that’s definitely the way to break a fast…Bette is just so amazing and I’m so happy that Tina spoke openly about Phillip. I can’t wait to see how their relationship unfolds and Tina’s continued adjustment to a completely new lifestyle. I wonder how other men at her job will respond to the news that she is off the market…I am lovin’ the story and hope you continue with their extremely hot and sexy interludes.

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