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    Exporation Chapter 6 Part B Conclusion

    Bette smiled as she watched Tina writhe about. "I love you babe, you are so beautiful." She said running her hand from Tina’s chest, down her abdomen to her cunt. She took her time reaching down between Tina’s legs,wetting her fingers thoroughly before placing those wet fingers on her own sex intermingling their juices. "Ohhh, " Bette said as she stroked herself. Tina looked up again to see Bette caressing herself and groaning aloud, she lifted her thigh to press firmly against Bette’s heated center. Tina pulled tightly on the scarf for added leverage and her arm muscles flexed. Bette rode Tina’s thigh for a few moments, teasing herself then lifted away so she could concentrate again on her love’s pleasure. She picked up the last clip and brought it to Tina’s lips so she would know what was instore for her.

    Tina felt the metal against her lips and knew where it was going immediately. She kissed the clip in aceptence of what was to come and spread her legs in preparation. Bette slowly trailed the clip down Tina’s throat and around her clipped nipples. She continued down over Tina’s tight abdomen and leaned forward running her tongue inside her belly button swirling around while her hand moved lower over Tina’s mound. Bette shifted slightly so she could dip down and suck Tina’s clit into her mouth bitting lightly on the distended nub. Bette tugged on the erect organ with her teeth as Tina bucked lightly. "Bette!" she exclaimed. "Yes, yes, God yes". Bette drew the clip forward and attached it quickly to Tina, watching Tina pull strongly on the scarf. "Fuck!" she yelled loudly in reaction.

    Bette ran her hands up and down Tina’s thighs. "Do you have any more of those icicles?" Bette asked huskily as she positioned herself between Tina’s legs and pressed her heated center over Tina’s, rubbing lightly. Tina had lost the ability to speek but looked up making eye contact with Bette and nodded. Bette got up quickly and went to Tina’s refrigerator, checking the freezer and spotting her prize immediately. "Quite the little scuptress," she snickered. "I bet Jody couldn’t make one of these," she said referring to an artist her Gallery had recently signed. Bette re-entered the bedroom her mouth watering at the sight of her love trussed up like a Sunday turkey. She began sucking on the phallus shaped icicle.

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    1. I second Dainty’s statement!! And luckily your warning did not apply to me today as I had the day off and thank goodness I did…I’m also glad I hadn’t taken a shower yet, because if I had, I would definitely have been wasting water today since I’m in desperate need of a cold shower now!!! Phew, at least when I’m running around doing my errands today, I’ll have something interesting to occupy my thoughts ;)

    2. I hope by the title Part B Conclusion you don’t mean the end of the story — just kill me now if that’s what you mean. This story just amazes me – it keeps getting hotter with each passing chapter – I just don’t know how you do it! Thank goodness there was a liberal dosing of ice or I would have melted from reading it! All I have to say is thanks for the warning (I heeded it and I’m glad I did)and please give us more of this fabulously sexy story SOON!

    3. This story is so hot that I need to smoke, while taking a cold shower & an “icicle” to cool me down when I’m done drying off.**does that description give you a hint at how SCALDING HOT this post was, CLS?*** Whew! Okay, bring on the part C & call it “Stranger Danger?” LOL! PS

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