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    Exporation Chapter 6 Part B Conclusion

    She held the ice over Tina’s chest dripping slowly on her nipples. Tina flinched in reaction exclaiming, "Damn that’s cold". Bette blew a stream of air over the wet spots watching goosebumps rise on Tina. She allowed more droplets to rain steadily down onto Tina’s clit before leaning down and licking them up. Tina groaned some more,"Ahhhh."

    Bette slid the icicle slowly along Tina’s heated folds. Tina lifted her head, locking eyes with Bette, panting heavily, "Love!" she whispered. Bette positioned the phallus against Tina’s center and pushed inside slowly before retreating. She shoved inside again deeper, then pulled back, before entering and retreating twice more. Tina’s mouth opened and closed soundlessly, but she whimpered and dropped her head back when Bette lowered her mouth warming Tina’s frozen folds with her hot tongue.

     Again she ran the ice across Tina’s sex chilling the heated skin until she was sufficiently cooled to Bette’s exacting standards. Reaching under, Bette lifted Tina’s hips up bringing her sex to her waiting mouth. Tina used her legs to help lift her hips clear of the bed when she realized Bette’s intentions, kneeling between her legs. Bette held onto Tina’s ass cheeks, firmly supporting her and then latched onto her folds licking and sucking the heat back into them. She drove her tongue inside deeply swallowing the excess juices emitted before lowering her sex back down for more of the same cold treatment. Bette ran the icicle in and out again a few times but this time used her own center against Tina to melt her, rubbing slowly, feeling the coolness against herself until Tina’s blood once again warmed the area. It was Bette’s turn to moan, "Arghhh" she said softly. Tina was pulling strongly on the scarf trying to lift herself closer to Bette."Please" she begged. "I need…." she just couldn’t finish the sentence.

    Bette slid the icicle once more through Tina’s inner lips then plunged inside, holding the phallus in place for a few seconds, then pulled it out and threw it aside, replacing it with her fingers. She plunged in, again and again, as Tina’s core temperature changed from cold to hot in a matter of moments. "Cum for me babe" Bette said removing the clasp from the sensitive nub and rubbing hard to restore proper blood flow. Immediately Tina felt her clit expand as all of her focus was directed to Bette’s hands kneading her flesh. Bette pumped her fingers in and out of Tina at a steady pace and flicked her clit with her thumb while she supported her own weight with her other arm. She reached down with her teeth and grabbed the ribbon between Tina’s breasts pulling gently. Tina felt the immediate added pressure to her nipples and raised her head watching her lover’s manoeuvers. Bette moved her hand up and quickly released Tina’s nipples and sucked them hard into her mouth. She chewed lightly on the tips while she resumed her thrusts into Tina’s core. Tina was suffering from an overload of stimulation. She started gasping and thrashing as all of her senses burst at once. "Arghhh Beeeettttttttte, she screamed as her orgasm crashed down. "Ahhhhh, ahhhhh, aahhhhhh…" she said as Bette slowed her pace, then simply fastened onto one of Tina’s breasts laving it lovingly, running her hands gently over Tina’s body soothing her as she came down to earth. "I love you, "Bette said throatily between licks, "love you… love you… love you, " she kept repeating, punctuating the words with kisses.

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    1. I second Dainty’s statement!! And luckily your warning did not apply to me today as I had the day off and thank goodness I did…I’m also glad I hadn’t taken a shower yet, because if I had, I would definitely have been wasting water today since I’m in desperate need of a cold shower now!!! Phew, at least when I’m running around doing my errands today, I’ll have something interesting to occupy my thoughts ;)

    2. I hope by the title Part B Conclusion you don’t mean the end of the story — just kill me now if that’s what you mean. This story just amazes me – it keeps getting hotter with each passing chapter – I just don’t know how you do it! Thank goodness there was a liberal dosing of ice or I would have melted from reading it! All I have to say is thanks for the warning (I heeded it and I’m glad I did)and please give us more of this fabulously sexy story SOON!

    3. This story is so hot that I need to smoke, while taking a cold shower & an “icicle” to cool me down when I’m done drying off.**does that description give you a hint at how SCALDING HOT this post was, CLS?*** Whew! Okay, bring on the part C & call it “Stranger Danger?” LOL! PS

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