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    Exporation Chapter 6 Part B Conclusion

    Tina was finally getting her breath back and flicked her wrists out of the loose loops that had been holding her arms above her head. She dropped them down around Bette who was kissing her and chanting "I love you" making her smile against her lovers lips. "That was fucking awesome!" Tina stated emphatically. "You just keep getting better and better my love".

    Bette grinned, "You inspired me. Where did you get those clips?" Bette asked.

    "They were a gift from an old boyfriend who thought our love life needed a little spicing up." Tina said then added when Bette’s eyebrow rose questioning. "We never actually used them. I dumped him shortly after and forgot all about them until last weekend when you planted the idea of tying you up in my mind" Tina said drawling her finger over Bette’s chest.

    "Well I like them" Bette smiled leaning forward to kiss Tina deeply. "You are so hot T," Bette said as she began to rub herself against her lover as they lay facing each other..

    Tina reached over and grabbed 2 clips and the ribbon. She licked Bette’s nipple, sucking it softly before attaching the clip again to her. Bette watched Tina, trying to determine what she was going to do. Tina passed a clip to Bette. "Clip this to me love" she said holding up her matching breast. When Bette finished, Tina ran the ribbon through both clips pulling them tight together so they lay chest to chest, clip to clip. Now if Bette moved Tina felt it and vice versa. Bette’s eyes lit up at the inplications and she pulled back exerting some pressure on her clip and subsequently on Tina’s nipple. Tina reached down and snaked her hand between Bette’s legs feeling the moisture pooling there then raised her own knee so Bette could touch her the same. Bette slid her fingers inside Tina curling her fingers up to reach her G-Spot pumping slowly, knowing that Tina might need extra time to catch up to her own level of stimulation after so recently cumming. Tina matched her pace. They kissed leisurely enjoying the sensation of being clipped together, knowing that each movement was being felt by the other. Tina drove her tongue deep into Bette’s mouth tasting her before sucking hard on Bette’s tongue and Bette realized that Tina was close again. They increased their tempo slightly which caused more pressure on their clips and both women gasped into each others mouths, swallowing the others breath.

    "T?" Bette questioned.

    "Yes, yes, I’m cumming love, ohhh God" Tina said as another orgasm flowed over her and Bette too plummetted over the edge. They pressed tightly to each other mashing their breasts together to increase the stimulation, convulsing wildly in ecstasy.

    Bette was the first to recover and lightly kissed Tina’s mouth.

    "I love you Bette" Tina whispered sleepily.

    "Hey you can’t nap now", Bette teased. "Don’t you want to make a wish?"
    Tina was looking very confused, "Wish?"

    Bette looked down at their joined nipples and raised her eyebrows devilishly pulling back slightly so Tina would get the idea.

    Tina bolted forward toward Bette so the clips were no longer pulling, "Don’t you dare!" she laughed…


    Back in the present, Tina felt Bette stir and gently squeeze her breast, the same one that had been connected to her earlier. Tina pushed Bette over and massaged Bette’s nipple with her tongue. "Hmmm, that feels nice," Bette murmured opening her eyes. She pushed Tina’s blonde tresses from her face, then leaned over and kissed the lovebite she had created earlier on her lovers neck.

    "By the way, what am I supposed to tell my assistant Monday when she see’s this?" Tina chided Bette who was biting her lightly.

    "Just tell her you fell on an icicle!" Bette said flipping Tina onto her back.

    "In LA?" Tina laughed.

    "Stranger things have happened" Bette said. "If you don’t believe me I can show you?" she said suggestively.

    Tina’s eyes flared with renewed passion, "Stranger? Oh by all means show me Porter!" she said sliding down under her, "now please!" she said huskily……

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    1. I second Dainty’s statement!! And luckily your warning did not apply to me today as I had the day off and thank goodness I did…I’m also glad I hadn’t taken a shower yet, because if I had, I would definitely have been wasting water today since I’m in desperate need of a cold shower now!!! Phew, at least when I’m running around doing my errands today, I’ll have something interesting to occupy my thoughts ;)

    2. I hope by the title Part B Conclusion you don’t mean the end of the story — just kill me now if that’s what you mean. This story just amazes me – it keeps getting hotter with each passing chapter – I just don’t know how you do it! Thank goodness there was a liberal dosing of ice or I would have melted from reading it! All I have to say is thanks for the warning (I heeded it and I’m glad I did)and please give us more of this fabulously sexy story SOON!

    3. This story is so hot that I need to smoke, while taking a cold shower & an “icicle” to cool me down when I’m done drying off.**does that description give you a hint at how SCALDING HOT this post was, CLS?*** Whew! Okay, bring on the part C & call it “Stranger Danger?” LOL! PS

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